Wheel & Seat Locks

4 stars based on 40 reviews

Whilst you may lock your frame and rear wheel with a reliable D-Lockwhat about your front wheel? This is not only a pain but also expensive.

Enter the Gravity WheelNutz. Where things get really smart? No need for a key. The WheelNutz work with gravity. This means the bike has to be upside down for them to be undone. Obviously, this is great when your bike is locked up and impossible to kryptonite security wheelnutz review or at least so darn hard that no thief will bother. It also means that if you need to fix a flat or change a tyre, all you have to do is turn your bike upside down and use a regular 15mm spanner. Its still pretty good value for 2 sets, especially if it means you can carry a smaller, lighter lock.

These use a standard 5mm allen key for fitting and offer the same level of wheel security. Most bikes will need an M9 for the front and M10 on the rear. If in doubt head down to your local bike shop and they can set you up with the right ones. The only thing you have to make sure is the little lock is on the top so the gravity feature is properly engaged. Some bikes have an axle stay on the forks. They do stick out a little further than the original bolts, but not so much as to be a problem.

I also like the brushed metal look, hopefully that will stick around for a while. These are a convenient option for protecting your wheels, a pretty kryptonite security wheelnutz review thing when locking up in London. Prior to putting these on the bike, I was avoiding using the bike to ride places where I would have to lock it up and leave it out of my sight. This will be easy to get right if you go to your local dealer.

I think they are much more convenient than Pitlocks, which I have on my tourer. These are going to be way easier to remove on the fly if you have to change an inner tube on the road. Sound great — so fed up with carrying big locks to protect the wheels. Do keep us updated re success etc.

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Comments Sound great — kryptonite security wheelnutz review fed up with carrying big locks to protect the wheels. Can you fit one per wheel to secure your bike at half the price? Like pitlocks these are probably not secure, and can be easily removed with the right technique. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Footer londoncyclistblog on Instagram.

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