Image: Nanobot's giant leap

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Open your project in atom and create a file. With nanobot, you can configure multiple actions nano bot project by adding them to your configuration. If command is an array, it's first element is the executable name followed by the arguments. If command is a string, it specifies a command that will be executed using a shell. Specifies the working directory, relative to the project's root directory.

Also absolute paths are also possible. If true, nanobot will ask explicitly before running the action. This will also prevent an action from beeing canceled by the user. Used to configure process standard input nano bot output. The standard or error output will be piped to the specified files. The input pipe stdin can be a string. This file will be piped to the standard input. File paths are relative nano bot the nano bot directory.

The override object should have keys that are a valid nodejs platform or architecture names with values that are a nanobot action configuration itself.

Within such a value, you can override specific properties of your configuration for specific platforms or architectures. The override property nano bot applied recursively when all other properties on the configuration object are applied. If nano bot do not want an action to be executed on specific systems, you can use the deny property in an override nano bot. If nano bot specify the variables property in an override configuration, it will replace the whole object.

For setting additional or overriding existing variables, use the setVariables property. To force the removal of existing variables use the nano bot property. The example below will provide the foo variable on all non-win32 systems:. If you want to modify or extend nanobot, take a look at this document.

Let us know what about this package looks wrong to nano bot, and we'll investigate right away. Repo Bugs Versions License Flag as spam or malicious. Nanobot Quickly run processes inside atom. Installation Install nanobot from atom directly or use apm: I think this package is bad news.

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