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Public Policy Polling for Daily Kos. So it turns out the vast majority of Americans are Keynesians after all -- other than Republicans, conservatives, and tea party supporters, every single ideological and demographic group in America prioritizes job creation over deficit reduction. You can find the full breakdown herebut regardless of race, ethnicity, income, region, age, or gender, overwhelming majorities prioritized job creation.

Independents prioritized job creation by a nearly two-to-one margin and moderates prioritized it by nearly three-to-one. Moral of the story: It's the teahadists and the beltway's self-styled deficit hawks who are on the political margin. There's no appetite for austerity. Americans know the path to prosperity is economic growth, not Draconian cuts to public services. Meet the Democrats -- neo bot scripts paladino of them Blue Dogs, including Heath Shuler and Dan Boren -- who have co-sponsored the Republican legislation that would exclude incest and statutory rape from the legal definition of rape when it comes to publicly-funded abortion:.

Neo bot scripts paladino that on this list of ten Democrats who have agreed to cosponsor the GOP's inhumane neo bot scripts paladino on abortion, not a single one is a woman? Despite receiving some support from Blue Dogs and anti-choice Democrats, the legislation is primarily a Republican initiative. It was introduced by Rep. A State of the Union bounce? In general, has been good for Obama. The two Senate leaders are just treading water, within the float. But the Democratic Party's bounce is real -- some evidence that the party's fortunes are really tied to the President's.

In a few weeks we'll bring back the graphs, so we'll be able to tell as the year shakes out just how closely the two favorability ratings correlate. Asking about his reelection chances, 50 percent chose Obama this week, while 44 percent chose the generic Republican.

Two weeks ago, it was Obama -- a four point swing in Obama's direction. Where did those numbers come from? They went from a edge toward the GOP candidate, to a advantage for Obama. Seems like a lot! Could be margin of error which is larger in the sub-samples. Could be an outlier either two weeks ago or this week. We'll get a better picture of where Obama's reelects stand in two weeks, when we ask this question again.

There's an intensity gap, alright. But this time, it's the Republicans on the wrong side of it. Reagan appointee Roger Vinson today struck down what appears to be most of the Affordable Care Act, writing:. In writing the law, Dems did not include a severability clause"meant to protect neo bot scripts paladino bulk of a law in the event that a small portion of it is determined to be unconstitutional.

That small portion must go, or be changed, but pretty much everything else is allowed to stand. This was the case brought by 26 states, arguing that Congress exceeded its authority in the mandate. Vinson joins a George W. Bush appointee, Henry Hudson in finding the mandate unconstitutional. Neo bot scripts paladino ruling has been roundly criticized.

At least 14 other judges have dismissed challenges to the Affordable Care Act. Millhiser also gives a quick summary of previous lower court decisions against sweeping federal actions that neo bot scripts paladino the dust. Brian Beutler notes that voiding the entire law over the lack of a severability clause is extreme, and unnecessary--even without the clause, single neo bot scripts paladino of laws can be struck down.

And have been, including recently by Judge Neo bot scripts paladino Roberts. Noted toe-sucker Dick Morris seems to be advocating for the U. The United States, as the pay master, needs to send a signal to the military that it will be supportive of its efforts to keep Egypt out of the hands of the Islamic fundamentalists.

Geller has lumped him in as an "Islamic supremacist. We want to see proposals for panels that run the gamut of progressive policy, but we especially want to see proposals that cover:. For more information on the submission process, visit netrootsnation. I'm not not sure if the ad works as parody or satire since, in the end, it really is a video about chicks getting hot with phallus-shaped veggies. It doesn't make fun of porn as much as it is porn, I fear. Nearly a quarter of global Internet traffic consists of downloading of pirated content, with about half of that traffic derived from peer-to-peer file-sharing technology BitTorrent, according to a report funded by the entertainment industry released neo bot scripts paladino afternoon.

The report found that It looks like the GOP has a hostage-taking situation of its own -- Fox says a new Rasmussen poll her fan base is threatening to bolt the GOP if she doesn't win the nomination:.

Nearly half of the Republican Primary voters who support Sarah Palin say they are at least somewhat likely to vote for a third-party candidate if she does not win the GOP presidential nomination. Rasmussen also says that one-third of GOP primary voters say Palin is the nominee they'd least like to see at the top of the GOP ticket.

So at the same time that Palin backers are threatening to bolt if she isn't the nominee, a huge chunk of the party is saying they really don't want Palin as their nominee. These are the kind of results that keep GOP insiders awake at night, dreaming up ways to get Palin to stay on the sidelines for But even though they might not want her to run, as Nate Silver pointed out neo bot scripts paladino, the decision by Mike Pence to forego the presidential race was great news for Palin -- Pence appealed to social, religious, and economic conservatives and would have presented a real threat to Palin.

Of course, this is a Rasmussen poll, and in surveys of the public at large, their neo bot scripts paladino biases their results in favor of Republicans. But this isn't a survey of the public at large, it's of GOP primary voters, so it's not clear whether or how their methodology biases results.

Whatever the case, even if these numbers are off by 10 or 15 percent, it's still a big problem for the GOP. Ambassador to China and former governor of Utah, to resign early this year to explore a potential bid for president. Politico's Jon Martin and Alexander Burns:. Over the holidays, the ex-governor met neo bot scripts paladino Sen. John McCain, whose presidential run Huntsman backed early on.

In a discussion with the senator, who is the ranking member of the Armed Services Committee, about a variety of issues, Huntsman made plain that he was eyeing a White House campaign in the near term, according to a source close to the senator.

The handsome heir to a massive fortune in chemicals manufacturing, he would likely be able to put his own money into the race. And by virtue of his current post as well as past foreign policy and trade posts in GOP administrations, the Mandarin-speaking Huntsman is the only campaign-tested Republican considering a run for president who has serious foreign policy credentials.

Yet Huntsman also has a history of taking moderate positions on the environment, immigration and gay rights. And the Mormon faith he shares with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney could hamper Huntsman with religious conservatives, much as neo bot scripts paladino did Romney in Although Neo bot scripts paladino has developed an image as a moderate Republican, he actually seems to be a great bundle of contradictions.

The most obvious example is that while his his decision to serve in the Obama administration suggested a willingness to set aside partisan politics, he's obviously spent a good chunk of his time in office considering a political challenge against the very president he's serving.

But it's not just contradictions in tone, it's also substance. For example, in earlyHuntsman said Republicans needed to embrace gay rights and endorsed civil unions, but in he supported a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, a ban which included the following provision: Similarly, inhe said Republicans needed to take a moderate stand on immigration and praised Ronald Reagan for granting amnesty, yet a year earlier, he'd signed into law a hard-line anti-immigration measure similar to Arizona's SB Salt Lake Tribune, via Nexis:.

The new law will allow local law enforcement agencies to enforce immigration laws and forces some employers to verify the U. It goes into effect July So while Huntsman has had some success in crafting an image of moderation, his record doesn't always seem to match his rhetoric. An interesting side note: Huntsman's father, who supported Mitt Romney inis a frequent guest on Beck's radio and television shows, and Beck credits the elder Huntsman with being a close friend who changed his life.

In Beck's words to Jon Huntsman, Sr.: This is really weird, especially coming neo bot scripts paladino House Speaker John Boehner is ruling out blocking an increase in the debt limit:. New Republican legislation in the House and Senate would force the U. Treasury to pay China and other foreign creditors before anyone else -- including Social Security beneficiaries.

Under their plan, international holders of U. The teahadist theory is that this would prevent a default, but even if it managed to do that, it wouldn't stop a government shutdown, which would be a default by another name. In so doing, it would put the interests of international financiers ahead of the American public. As Chris Van Hollen says:. With Boehner yesterday ruling out blocking the debt limit increase, this is mostly an interesting story as it relates to the emerging civil war within the GOP's teahadist wing and its leadership, which mostly consists of the same yahoos like Boehner who promoted Bush economic policies, including the TARP bailouts.

In other words, it's popcorn time. Denying that the inclusion of GOProud, a gay Republican group, has anything to do with his decision, Sen. The newly-elected lawmaker will be focused on his Senate duties that week then "return to Florida for a working weekend capped off by the Pinellas County Lincoln Day Dinner," on Feb. Because everyone knows that neo bot scripts paladino Senator can't take an hour out of his busy schedule to zip four miles down the road for a chance to get in front of a room full of supporters and cameras.

Rubio joins a large number of conservative groups and Sen. Jim DeMint R-SC in skipping the event, although they all at least had the courage of their neo bot scripts paladino and admitted neo bot scripts paladino they weren't going. As for CPAC, well, besides the scrambling all these cancellations must be causing for their scheduler, it's keeping their conference masthead designer busy. Here's it is as of House Speaker John Boehner is still kinda' sorta' trying to talk tough and convince teahadists that he's taking the debt limit hostage, but ultimately he couldn't have been more emphatic when he said yesterday on Fox News Sunday that it was be a "financial disaster" not just for America but the world if Congress were to block an increase in the debt limit.

Blocking such an increase, he said, isn't on the table. If you're not willing to compromise, then the government could neo bot scripts paladino down. If you're not willing to compromise -- and I'm not saying it's your neo bot scripts paladino or the president's -- but we could default on our debt. Well, we have to work our will in the House.

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