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NuShares are units held by individuals who wish to help and support the Nu network. However, owning NuShare is not nushares blockchain wallet to use the cryptocurrency. However, owning NuShare is not required to use the cryptocurrency NuBits. NuShares are intended to be a source of network equity for developers, entrepreneursand speculators. Nu has been released on September nushares blockchain wallet, Its architect is Jordan Lee, a pseudonym for developer or group of developers who designed the Nu system.

The money was used for a nushares blockchain wallet extension of Peershares. Nu is nushares blockchain wallet resulting customized extension. Unlike other Peershares networks, Nu also verifies and transmits transactions of currency units called NuBits. Nu permits holders of NuShares to manage the quantity of NuBits without dependence on any off blockchain mechanisms.

Additional NuBits can be created when shareholders vote to do so and will be placed in the custody of a recipient chosen by shareholders called a custodian. There can be as many custodians nushares blockchain wallet the shareholders elect to have and they can be changed at the whim of shareholders. Custodians may adopt a pseudonym if they choose to do so.

As said, voting helps generating additional NuBits. When shareholders vote for a custodian, they select a specific NuBits address and amount pair, as written on nubits. Custodians submit proposals to NuShareholders that outline these details. However, owning NuShare is not required to use the cryptocurrency Voxelus about to become the largest VR content marketplace with its in-game cryptocurrency. How does voting work?

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Destroyed NBT are final revenue for Nu. Nu is still young and evolving, but the peg has been kept at exactly 1 USD. The close peg is a direct result from the compensation that is paid to liquidity providers to put orders with a close spread on order books;.

This has been used for a lot of strategic decisions and can be used for anything that requires a consensus of those who have a stake in Nu. NSR holders the owners of Nu can decide what to do.

Nu is a corporation with business process on a blockchain - the same blockchain that processes NBT transactions. The only real argument against PoS comes down to whether you can trust humans to come to consensus about something over the long term weak subjectivity. The fact that some governments a long-term human consensus process have existed for hundreds of years kinda flies in the face of the 8 years btc has existed for. Note that weak subjectivity is also used in bitcoin btc core and is revealing a lot of politics on the long term scale.

Basically, the only flaws Peercoin or Nu have are the same flaws that bitcoin and in fact all governments and human consensus processes face. Since inception on September, 23rd NuBits has demonstrated that it is the 1 stable cryptocurrency in the world, in terms of marketcap and transaction volume.

If merchants accept cryptocoin payment, they generally use payment providers who convert the cryptocurrencies in the background to fiat for them. It's really convenient and I don't have to worry about day to day fluctuations of Bitcoin. NuVentures has used NBT on several occasions to settle the payment for its website design renewal. NBT was used as a cryptofiat or synthetic dollar to conduct an international wire transfer, virtually at no cost. Pegged digital assets have existed in various forms but not to the degree and success of NuBits.

It's pretty amazing to see distributed direct governance in action simply by owning a digital asset. Without that mechanism you will always have more or less volatility. Nu has this mechanism. The first stage is replacing Bitcoin as the primary intermediary currency liquidity token for trading in the crypto market. That shall be achieved through NBT price stability and liquidity operations. NuBits aims at becoming the number 1 crypto-currency. NuShares the number 1 crypto-share. Bitcoin being the number 1 crypto-commodity.

NuVentures sees NuBits's path to mainstream adoption going through different stages. Why NuBits peg dropped and how it got fixed.