This Bitcoin-Eating Plant Robot Hires Artists to Make Its Babies

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Plants need bees to reproduce themselves. Send Bitcoin to the Plantoid, so it can hire an artist to replicate itself A Plantoid is the plant equivalent of an android; it is a robot or synthetic organism designed to look, act and grow like a plant. This particular species of a Plantoid is an autonomous blockchain-based lifeform that is able to reproduce itself. It is a hybrid creature that lives both in the physical world as a mechanical contraption made up of recycled steel and electronics and in this bitcoineating plant robot hires artists to make its babies world as a software deployed on top of a blockchain-based network.

The goal of the Plantoid is to illustrate one of the most revolutionary—and yet still unexplored—aspects of blockchain technology. Blockchains are decentralized peer-to-peer networks, like Bitcoin, that enable people from all over the world to interact, coordinate, and transact value with one another in a secure and decentralized way.

Software code can be deployed on a blockchain-based network to create programs a. As opposed to traditional software code, run on centralized servers and administered by an online operator, smart contracts can be designed to run autonomously, independently of any central authority or middlemen.

The Plantoid is an attempt at using the artistic medium to illustrate the inner workings of these autonomous systems, so that people can better understand the potential benefits and challenges of this powerful, emergent technology. A Plantoid is composed of two essential components: The body of the Plantoidi.

It is a welded metallic sculpture displayed in a public space; an aesthetic ornament that exhibits its mechanical beauty to whoever it encounter. When it enters into contact with organisms in the physical world—e. The this bitcoineating plant robot hires artists to make its babies of the Plantoidi. This this bitcoineating plant robot hires artists to make its babies what constitutes the actual soul of the Plantoid—since the physical body is simply a means to connect its inner logic with creatures in the physical world.

These 2 components interact with one other in order to bring the Plantoid to life, and—most importantly—to ensure that it can reproduce itself over time. Like every other life form, the main function of the Plantoid is to reproduce itself.

It does so by enticing the curiosity of the people it encounters with its physical beauty, luring them into feeding it with some cryptographic money, in order to awaken it and contribute to the ongoing reproduction process of the Plaintoid. Once a Plantoid has proven its worth by accumulating a sufficient quantity of Bitcoins, it will enter into the reproductive phase, initiating a procedure whereby the Plantoid will look for mates i.

The fundamental mechanism underpinning the operations and evolution of each Plantoid is a small piece of software or smart contract deployed on the Ethereum blockchain. The software is autonomous, in that it is executed in a distributed manner by all nodes participating to support the underlying this bitcoineating plant robot hires artists to make its babies network.

And because of the properties of a blockchain, once deployed, the code cannot be altered or shut down by any single party. As such, every This bitcoineating plant robot hires artists to make its babies operate as an autonomous entity that does not need to respond to anyone, not even its original creator. Indeed, Plantoids are both independent and self-sufficient. Once they have been created and deployed into the world, they no longer need nor heed their creators.

And because Plantoids ultimately own themselves, they also cannot be purchased or owned by anyone. People can, however, interact with a Plantoid, and possibly even engage into contractual relationships with it. The software underpinning a Plantoid establishes the system of affordances and constraints that come along with each and every Plantoid. It pre-defines the rules by which people can interact with the Plantoid, the amount of funds that the Plantoid needs to reproduce itself, and the criteria that must be met by every descendent of a Plantoid.

By sending bitcoins to the Plantoids, people also acquire a series of rights that will enable them to participate in the decision-making process for all issues concerning the reproduction of the Plantoid, and beyond.

For the funders, the right to participate in the governance structure of the selected Plantoid—e. For the producers, these include the right to be credited as the creators of a particular Plantoid, and the right to a fair or unfair remuneration whenever that Plantoid receives enough funds to reproduce itself.

As such, even though Plantoids do not have any legal personality—because the law does not yet recognize them as a legal entity—they are nonetheless capable of interacting with other people and machines that exist in the physical world, by means of simple blockchain transactions.

Because all code deployed on a blockchain comes with a guarantee of execution, by engaging with a Plantoid, people are contractually bound to, and cannot deviate from the rules stipulated into the underlying smart contract code.

In this sense, Plantoids operate akin to an organization. Yet, in contrast with legacy organizations, they are entirely autonomous and this bitcoineating plant robot hires artists to make its babies not come with any director or CEO.

Plantoids are, ultimately, a physical representation of this bitcoineating plant robot hires artists to make its babies we commonly refer to as a Distributed Autonomous Organization or DAO —an autonomous blockchain-based system that is administered, only and exclusively, through software logic deployed on a blockchain.

Even if it is completely autonomous, Plantoids cannot reproduce themselves on their own. They require the help of third parties to support them in the reproduction process. Just as organic plants often rely on third parties—like butterfly or bees—to support them in the pollination process, Plantoids rely on the cooperation of human beings, assisting them in the process of instantiating themselves into a new physical form. The reproduction process of a Plantoid can be distinguished into three different parts: Traditional plants rely on photosynthesis in order to turn light into energy.

Plantoid operate instead by turning beauty into digital currency. Hence, while traditionaly plants reproduce themselves through the process of pollination, the reproduction of a Plantoid is done through the process of capitalization. In essence, each Plantoid will seduce people with the aesthetical beauty of their mechanical body and the spirituality of their soul, enticing them into sending bitcoins in order to support their reproduction.

As in the case of most human beings, seduction can be done in one or two ways: At the physical level, the Plantoid relies on the aesthetics of its physical body to seduce people through a combination of movements, lights and sounds—just like plants use their beautiful colors and sensual smells to attract butterflies and bees to their nectar-filled wombs. At the intellectual level, the Plantoid relies on its underlying software code i.

Every Plantoid has its own Bitcoin wallet, to which people can send money. Those who enjoy the aesthetic representation or the intellectual properties governance rights and reproductive logic of any given Plantoid will submit funds to the Plantoid.

Whenever it receives those funds, the Plantoid will evolve and blossom into a more beautiful flower, e. In sending these bitcoins, people provide the Plantoid with the opportunity to fund its own reproduction, while simultaneously acquiring the right to participate into the governance system of the newly created Plantoid.

All bitcoins collected in this way are stored in the Bitcoin wallet of each and every Plantoid. Depending on their form and size, different Plantoids will require different amounts of funds before they can blossom. The Plantoid constantly monitors its Bitcoin balance, and whenever it realizes that a particular threshold has been reached, the Plantoid will be able to use this money to initiate its own reproduction and ensure its survival.

The second phase of reproduction begins… Mating phase: As a new species, Plantoids need to evolve and figure out how to best survive in any given environment. When the time for reproduction is ripe—i. Propositions can be submitted by anyone and at anytime. Indeed, the DNA of every Plantoid —that is, all the logic and rules that govern its growth and reproduction—are recorded on the Ethereum blockchain.

These may include certain distinctive aesthetic or physical requirements such as form, size, or materials for the progeny of a particular Plantoid that will affect the scope of creativity and the room for discretion left to the artists commissioned to produce the next Plantoid. These may also include business logic such as, for instance, the dividends given to the funders for any of the funds raised by the subsequent Plantoids, the percentage of these funds that will be given to a particular charity or organization, the cuts that the initial artist gets for every new Plantoid created, etc.

Anyone submitting a proposal must comply with these initial requirements, although they remain free to develop their ideas and expand upon them as they best see fit.

Of course, the Plantoid does not come with any ability to judge the artistic merit and intellectual value of these propositions.

It thus relies on the help of human beings to advise as to what is the most appropriate and suitable proposal, given the available funds and evolutionary objectives of the Plantoid. Each contributor to the funding of the Plantoid will be asked to participate on the decision-making as to the selected proposal.

These people will be able to vote on proposals submitted, by sending micro-transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain to the public address that uniquely identifies each proposal. And to the extent that different people might have invested a different amount of money in funding the Plantoid, every vote will be weighted by the amount of funds that each party has effectively contributed. The smart contract will then automatically process all of these inputs and establish a winner.

Once a winning proposal has been identified, the Plantoid will transfer all of its bitcoins to commission and engage the authors of the proposal in the production—or rather the reproduction—of future Plantoids. Whoever has been selected to give birth to next Plantoids will have the possibility to shape its body and to establish the logic of its soul.

A mysterious and controversial technology is among us. This technology is the blockchain, the technology that underpins digital currencies and makes possible dramatic new conceptions of global governance and economy, that could permanently enrich or demote the role of humans - depending on who you talk to.

Imagine a world in which this bitcoineating plant robot hires artists to make its babies for many aspects of life reproduction, decision-making, organisation, nurture, stewardship are mechanised and automated. Transferred, once and for all, from natural and social systems into a secure, networked, digital ledger of transactions and computer-executed contracts. The artworks in this exhibition envision future world-making by machines, markets and natural processes, free from interference by states and other human institutions.

This exhibition is an opportunity to experience works of art produced with the help of increasingly sophisticated robots. Featuring works by some forty artists, it offers a gateway to an immersive and interactive digital world - an augmented body sensory experience that subverts our notions of space and time.

In an ever more robotic society, these artists explore new technologies, including Artificial Intelligence, which is potentially revolutionising human lives and even the this bitcoineating plant robot hires artists to make its babies in which artworks are produced, presented, disseminated, conserved and received. These works contain a warning. Although Artificial Intelligence can help us, it also threatens to make itself our master by reducing humans to simple slaves to performance.

Artists have extensive experience of this dangerous game: Ever more sophisticated software has given rise to increasingly autonomous works, an ability to generate infinite forms, and interactivity with audiences who permanently modify this game. The Ethereal Arts program brings together an international group of contemporary artists working with public blockchains as a medium for conceptual and social experimentation.

This exhibition features works including commissions from nine artists and art collectives taking up themes of trustless social organization, structural inequity, extrastate conflict, techno-piety, and digital commons, using the technology and language of distributed ledgers as material for critical investigation. The body of selected works begins with a recognition that blockchains are an inherently social medium, thus to become a truly liberating technology, our foremost consideration must be the cultures we form around them.

Given the characteristics of the reproduction process, the evolution of Plantoids will follow a Darwinist approach. Different artists in different geographic locations and cultural environments will implement distinct kinds of Plantoids, whose phenotypes will attract different types of donors—either because of their aesthetic beauty i.

Every Plantoid will therefore evolve into multiple this bitcoineating plant robot hires artists to make its babies or species, each with their own this bitcoineating plant robot hires artists to make its babies. From a Darwinian perspective, the reproduction of each and every Plantoid is based on an evolutionary algorithm, with multiple Plantoids experimenting with new physical characteristics, but also diverse personalities and governance structures depending on their environment.

Indeed, the ability of a Plantoid to identify the right characteristics—with regard to their physical form body or operating logic soul —that will enable them to seduce more people will be the key factor to determine which Plantoids that are most fit for their own environment.

Those are the ones that will be able to collect more bitcoins and that will therefore be able to ensure the long-term sustainability of their species. Conversely, those Plantoids that did not successfully adapt themselves to their own environment, because they failed to incorporate attractive characteristics in their body or soul, will be less appreciated. These will be unable to obtain enough funds to reproduce themselves, and will most likely exist as a single physical instance that might progressively fade away until extinction.

Eventually, as time passes, Plantoid that successfully emerged from the Darwinian struggle for survival are those that will most likely establish themselves as the dominant species in this evolutionary process. Those are the ones that will be able to reproduce themselves the fastest—so as to slowly, but steadily, colonize our planet. The plantoid represents the beginning of a new relationship between creators, their work, and the progeny of the work.

Indeed, the underlying mechanisms for the financing and reproduction this bitcoineating plant robot hires artists to make its babies a plantoid obviously clash with the traditional conception of copyright law, which is based on the notion of scarcity and exclusivity.

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Today on dtube , we discuss the motivations behind creating physical things in the sndbox incubator and the importance of showcasing projects powered by Steem.

Our adoption philosophy is that new and invisible resources like cryptocurrencies need physical footprints. Cryptocurrency is afterall a new type of value that is very different from traditional fiat or static stores of value. This new norm of funding projects encourages us to explore new ways to fund new things, projects, systems, designs, and so much more.

I can just imagine sculptures based on Steem, Bitcoin etc With, of course, plaques with QR codes to donate in said cryptos too. The only sad thing us there doesn't seem to be some online place all the artists send their pictures to.

Workstations for blockchain devs, crypto mining rentals, blockchain to fiat atms and meetup rooms! Physical places could become caches of crypto. Like Pokemon Go but instead of a Charizard you could earn Steem! Hope you're all signed up for Cryptohunt's beta then XD Augmented Reality caches will do till we make some physical one's: I invite you to see my postcards.

Here I leave the link http: When you want to Flag them but see their Steem power lol joke. In my experience, a lot of people struggle with the abstraction of crypto. Seeing real projects, in the real world, that are funded by this fantasy money can help people move beyond that abstraction. In truth, all money is an abstraction, a financial derivative with its value based on underlying productivity, hopes, dreams, greed, fear, optimism, and force.

The only difference is that the underlying is more immediate to you when you're looking at a fiat currency. The biggest difference between your bank balance as a ledger entry and your crypto as a ledger entry is that it's easier to get to your bank balance.

Easier for you is also easier for your enemies Very well said josephsavage! The abstraction of fiat is just made tangible by everyone agreeing on what can be bought and sold with it. Crypto needs just that but in a new generative form more faithful to its nature. I think that's why people care so much about Steem markets, etc. It's also why silk road and poker sites were so important to the early progression of Bitcoin. I'd love to see more meetups in Europe, seems like the perfect way to expand your friends network on Steemit and Dtube.

The rate at which Steem is growing shows a lot of promise for the future. That will work for real I wish i was part of the mains to share ideas with you on how fast that can spread like virus.

You have spoken well, crypto has advantage over static notes because it does enhance the effect of quick transaction from any location. Your post gift us genarel knowledge incrase. Your New thinking give us new blog wrighting inspirations. Since a time ago I'm thinking in how to improve a project I have in mind. I know a real community living in the Forest, in my country.

They just escape from city and they are self-sustaining and I found in the blockchain a way for them to start getting many things in order due to some problems that they have becasue they have no real incomes because they live of their own production. Now I'm working in the development of a project to improve their lives with a E-Cat so they can be decentralized from the System in some way thanks to free energy, and that will give them the chance to grow to get many things that they need to grow as a community that will be I hope based on the Blockchain.

Making things in real life, in this way, as the Steem-Park for example. Every little effort we can make to show people, communities or whatever, is something that You feel butterflies in your stomach, dont'you? It's a great strategy to just look at your own situation and find a solution for yourself and your neighbors.

Physical demonstration of non-existent things make them more explainable and trustworthy and has potential to help in its growth. Like for bitcoin, whenever use this word, a gold coin with a capital word B came into mind with a little bit dollar shaped.

It's true creativity how you guys are planning to promote the things. Hats off to your brainstorming. That's exactly right and it helped Bitcoin's presence become much more prominent. It is, after all, digital gold. It would benefit for other cryptos to consider that representation as well.

A physical object could be the bridge between a nice idea or a complex concept and the real understanding of it.

I'm very excited to see future development with dtube and a lot of the projects going on in the steemit community! It is always very hard for non-tech people to wrap their brain around the creation of money out of nothingness.

The cryptocurrency surge has created millionaires whom I am sure can create plenty of worthy footprints. I have seen it first hand but not on their scale. It does afford us some tangible extra's. What about Scavenger Hunt concept? Love the idea of giving tactile experience on crypto currency. It's a strong counter to the ephemeral framing the Establishment prefers.

I am seriously peaking after watching this video. You are completely speaking my language. My husband barthabermiller on steemit is an installation artist whom has a long history of making art with the communities involvement.

And myself I have started a 'how to be more creative on steemit series. I am not trying to be spammy Have a lovely day! It is really hard to get my fellow artists to believe me when I talk about Steemit; even harder to get them to commit to posting regurally when they do not reap immediate rewards.

Getting the word out there would really help; maybe I will curate steemian art in my exhibition studio one day. I look forward to meeting steemians in Los Angeles to see what they are up to. I think there is a meetup on the 26th, hope I can make it: See you next time My physical footprint of steemit is both artistic and meetup, it's steemit artists event. We got 2 tv interviews promoting the event and steemit, 70 in attendance with 20 artists signup. I really wanna continue doing this for my city as this will help them create art and get rewarded for it.

Your submission is very cool, I like your submission Please follow and vote raunlex. This is a very wonderful video. I am soo glad that I am here on Steemit already. This made me think that Steem will worth a lot in the near future. Physical presence is very much front-of-mind for me as I am beginning to start on building a local Steem community here in Olympia.

I would be very interested in learning more about how to get started working with sndbox to build our community here. Tips to avoid being flagged. If you look at this accounts comments it is a bot, all the comments are without specifics.

Big Pictures Need Big Things Today on dtube , we discuss the motivations behind creating physical things in the sndbox incubator and the importance of showcasing projects powered by Steem.

Video Animation created by competition winner leotrap. Music by Joakim Karud Help us spread the word. Follow our Twitter and YouTube Channel! Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Trending Trending Votes Age Reputation. With, of course, plaques with QR codes to donate in said cryptos too Hmmm Those keywords were too tempting not to "google" But other than that this is as good a start to autonomous organization's as I can imagine hehe.

I tore this whole sculpture down and didn't find the Bitcoin anywhere!!! For now, you'll have to travel to Japan for most of those ; But it'll be interesting to see when it gets adopted in Europe and America. Not too far at all: D just where we should be. Thank you for managing such the projects. You should try to find likeminded fellows in your country! It is very helpful for users and the technology help us many new things in a steem.

So how would the physical footprint be? Totally agree with this.. Now I'm working in the development of a project to improve their lives with a E-Cat so they can be decentralized from the System in some way thanks to free energy, and that will give them the chance to grow to get many things that they need to grow as a community that will be I hope based on the Blockchain Making things in real life, in this way, as the Steem-Park for example.

We are making history! The butterflies are strong! Thanks for the support!