ESEA (anticheat client) Caught With Hidden Bitcoin Mining Software

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Though this bitcoin miner hidden in gamestop an effective mea culpa, the state regulators have decided to make an example out of the company, and so have fined it almost a hundred times the value of its ill-gotten funny money.

The company plans to roll out a new section on its website that clearly outlines its privacy policy, and is going to conduct regular audits with a "third party specialist" to make sure ESEA is secure. Watch your GPU utilization, folks.

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Though this was an effective mea culpa, the state regulators have decided to make an example out of the company, and so have fined it almost a hundred times the value of its ill-gotten funny money. The company plans to roll out a new section on its website that clearly outlines its privacy policy, and is going to conduct regular audits with a "third party specialist" to make sure ESEA is secure.

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