Fork-lift LEGO Mindstorms Ev3 by RoboCAMP
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Do you like this website? You can support it by your money for its development. As I wrote in last report I began building alternative models for two different projects. Besides, I kept on leading courses of programming LEGO Mindstorms and WeDo for kids, showing my models at exhibitions, organizing few contests and finally I also built few models just for fun.
Its goal is to show kids and their parents that they can build more than just one model out of each LEGO set. You can see them at official web of this project and of course you can download building instructions for them there too.
Building out of LEGO. It is channel lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions videos on Czech Youtube like web Stream. There are two kinds of videos in this channel.
The first of them features kid that builds official model out of LEGO set and then I build something else out of same bricks. Other videos are just records of me building my alterantive models from the first brick to the last so you can try to build my models following these videos. They are in Czech but speach is not important there. It is able to ride autonomously and avoid obstacles or you can teach is other tricks with your own program.
You can see it in this video. My goal was to build vehicle on four wheels out of motorbike with just two wheels. Although this model is full of compromises if worths building.
Honestly, I planed to build her naked but I had to dress her in bikini and boots due to lack in tan bricks. It looks like new web is almost ready for adding content so I will launch it soon. February 14, - Recapitulation of past half of year I was so busy building new models past half of year that I haven't almost found time for updating buildinst.
I've rebuilt one of them - Heartlake lighthouse to carousel. Then for quite a long time I was building my biggest and most challenging alternative model so far - forwarder log loader. I've built it out of set and it was inspired by real machine Noe NF It's also my first model that reached magical limit of pieces. It features 4 axles, working boom with grapple and considerable size. You can lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions detailed list of its functions and building instructions here.
Programming was something totally new for me and I have to admit it intrigued me. I've already built two models out of WeDo set - propeller plane and sleeping dinosaur. Plane lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions supplemented with two levers that control steering of plane and speed of propeller.
Dinosaur is much different - lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions such an example of use of unpredictable behaviour. If you wake it up it will randomly choose one of five reactions before it falls asleep again. You can see it in action in this video. By the end of the year I've joined lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions pilot project focused on testing new software for creating building instructions for LEGO models.
Before I finished this project I've got invitation to another one. Lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions dream is coming true Production of new website is separate chapter.
I had this idea in my mind for a long time but things started moving by the end of last year. New web is almost completely programmed now. Lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions just needs me to lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions content. I hope I'll find enough time to finish it soon. June 29, - Brief report I'm going to be brief this time and introduce you new models and plans for summer shortly.
The first model is mantis built out of set I've built it for exhibition at Lipno so if you visit it you'll be able to see it together with more than ten other alternative models built out of set Next model is aircraft inspired by Czechoslovakian cropduster plane lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions "Bumblebee" built out of set and finally speedboat built out of set I've built this boat for the second time because for the first time it transformed into Moby Dick.
And what do I plan next? I'm going to build my biggest alternative model out of set mobile crane and aslo rebuild several Lego Friends sets. April 29, - The first alternative models out of sets As soon as the first Lego Creator sets came in my collection I've begun creating new alternative models for them.
Polar bear built out of set white robot was the first of them. I've focused on testing potential of this set by building some animal and polar bear was the first white animal that came into lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions mind.
Set passed this test successfully and you can look forward to other alternative models built out of its parts in nearest future. Set red go-kart wasn't as much successful. It contains small amount of bricks and even less "mass" so building alternates out of it is quite difficult. Regardless I've gradually built formula, plane and helicopter out of this set. Soon you can also look forward to alternative models built out of sets parrot and froghelicopter and mining truck.
At the end I'd like to introduce you one interesting application for smart phones. You can also find few building instructions for my alternative models in it and their numeber is going to increase in future.
February 13, - Amazing set Around Christmas I went for longer vacations to Kazakhstan and took small Lego Creator set sunset speeder with lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions. I began building alternative models during evenings and was surprised how many of them I can create. Motorbike was the first alternative model followed by lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions, bird, crocodile and dump truck. After homecoming I've added forklift truck, steam engine, dog and dragon. The most interesting and the most advanced models are dump truck and forklift truck.
You can lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions all models mentioned above except dragon with these building instructions. Besides instructions for models out of set I've also added building lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions for yellow lobster built out of set and mouse built out of set I've built two bigger Lego Technic models too.
The first model is hovercraft built out of set I built it for alternative model build contest before Christmas. Its main feature is quite unique steering. It turns just pair of rudders instead of whole propeller lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions you can see among official Lego hovercraft models.
All its functions are shown on this video. Another model of propeller plane is built out of reborn set it is produced as now. Plane has similar functions to truck that is main model: V4 engine connected with propeller and steering stick in cockpit controls moving of ailerons.
November 6, - More detailed description of models and new creations As I wrote last time, new more detailed descriptions of models with their ratings are coming. Nowadays you can find them at latest sets and they should show you better what you can expect from finished model.
Four qualities of each model are measured on scale from one to five points: Difficulty - simple model which even little child can build receives one point and five points represents very complex model that is meant for experienced builders.
Playability - model which you can just place on shelf receives one point and five points represents model with many functions or accessories and that is also solid enough so you can play with it. Solidity - model which can be easily broken receives one point and five points represents almost unbreakable model. Stability - model which needs support to stand in natural position receives one point and five points represents model that stands in natural position and is very stable.
Exhibition is opened during weekends till end of January You can see big railway, Lego City sets from present and past and many other models besides my alternates there. During opening I also made little workshop focused on building alternative models. When I was preparing for it I built three alternative models out of set and the fourth right there at workshop.
Those models are plane, helicopter, formula and motor boat. If you want to build them you find building instructions here. At the end I'd like to mention few latest models - trike, lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions and scouting vehicles. Trike with pull back motor built out of set is my first entry to alternative model build contest organized by website eurobricks.
I plan to create something bigger for contest but if I lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions finish it in time I'll participate at least with this model.
Lobster is another model I've built in co-operation with Jan Beyer. Originally I wanted to build propeller plane out of set but after while things ran wild and I've created this lobster. Its best features are claws for sure. Last models lego mindstorms ev3 forklift instructions "scouting vehicles" built out of set They are my first alternative models built out of Lego City set.
I've created this monster truck and snowmobile for challenge set by Kim Thomsen from Lego. He has asked me and other builders for building alternative models out of various Lego City sets. August 17, - Eventful summer After quarter of year I'm coming with another web site update. Why is it after so long time? Beginning of summer was full of various events and I haven't got time for it until now Let's look what has happened.