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Though this was an effective mea culpa, the state regulators have decided to make an example out of the company, and so have fined it almost a hundred times the value of its ill-gotten funny money.
The company plans to roll out a new section on its website that clearly outlines its privacy policy, and is going to conduct regular audits with a "third party specialist" to make sure ESEA is secure. Watch your GPU utilization, folks. The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community. Part of Situation Publishing. Join our daily or weekly newsletters, subscribe to a specific section or set News alerts.
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Tools found laced with malware. Quatermass and the Git Pit. Yeah, we wanted GitHub too. Give us a bump, would you? Dear Samsung mobe owners: It may leak your private pics to randoms High Tech Concern: Struggling HTC to slash a quarter of workforce The Notch contagion is spreading slower than phone experts thought GPU fairy visits Huawei owners, leaves graphics boost under phones. Geek's Guide Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a giant alien space cigar? Whatever it is, boffins are baffled Galileo, here we go again.
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More from The Register. Virgin spaceplane makes maiden rocket-powered flight Video And pops the sound barrier for good measure. Virgin Galactic and Boom unveil Concorde 2. Black hole munched galactic leftovers, spewed stars, burped Galaxy can turn itself off, then on again.
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