Apple debuts a new Home app website to show how its devices work in a smart home

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Xcode Server and Continuous Integration Guide. From the bots website, you and your team can view bot activity and download archives and product builds. Products contain only status bot apple tv app, and archives contain the Xcode project. In the dialog that appears, specify status bot apple tv can create and view bots and download their archives and products. A Log In button in the top-left status bot apple tv of the webpage allows the user to log in with a valid user name and password.

Add and remove users and status bot apple tv to suit your needs. People who particularly benefit from having view-only access to bot activity are software testers, project managers, and seed coordinators.

Depending on the viewing permissions configured in Xcode Server, you may be prompted to log in with your local or Status bot apple tv Directory account credentials. The bots homepage Figure displays a summarized list of the most recent integrations for the bots running on the server. You can also access the bots website from status bot apple tv report navigator on your development Mac.

You can view the most recent integration summary for a bot or integration by tapping or clicking a bot or integration name on the bots homepage.

Status bot apple tv displays the most recent successful integrations for each bot. After you make a selection, the title of the bots homepage displays the active filter criteria.

A summary of the most recent integration performed by the bot, along with commits, is displayed. You can click the Flag button to flag a specific integration to identify it, for example, as a release candidate. What the flag means is up to you and your organization.

The bots website provides a mechanism for quickly opening bots in Xcode on your development Mac. While viewing the bots website on your development Mac, click the name of any bot or integration in the list on the bots homepage.

Your browser window displays a summary of the most recent integration performed by the bot. The bots website facilitates the distribution of product assets, builds, and archives to testers and other team members, when applicable.

Products contain just the app, whereas archives contain the Xcode project. Click the Archive link, if available, to download an archive the Xcode project of the product. If an integration does not contain an Archive link, status bot apple tv archive does not exist for the integration.

Click the Product link, if available, to download the product the app for the integration. If an integration does not contain a Product link, a status bot apple tv does not exist for the integration. For iOS products, the bots website allows a profile necessary for Over-the-Air product installation to be installed for an integration, as well status bot apple tv a product the app itself.

If a bot is an iOS project and the integration contains a product, a blue or green Install button appears on the integration summary screen.

A blue Install button indicates that an Xcode Server Over-the-Air installation profile must be installed, and a green Install button indicates that the product can be installed. After you have installed the profile, the Install button color changes from blue to green, indicating that the product is now ready for installation. After installing the profile for the integration see aboveclick the green Install link to install the product. The webpage can be made full screen, and it can be displayed using AirPlay mirroring.

A list of bots and the results of their most recent completed integration are displayed on the left. For the actively cycling bot, the number of errors, warnings, commits, and tests are displayed. This circle indicates the total code contribution for the committer among all commits for the current integration. A red diamond represents errors, a yellow triangle represents warnings, and a blue square represents static analysis issues. Manage and Monitor Bots from the Report Navigator.

Terms of Use Privacy Policy Updated: To specify who can view and use the bots website. In the Services list in the Server app sidebar, select Xcode. To access the bots website from the OS X Server app. A web browser opens to the bots website. To access the bots website from the report navigator.

All integrations for a bot are grouped under the bot name. Click the filter button in the center of the header of the bots homepage. Choose the desired criteria to filter the list from the filter pop-up menu. Latest displays the most recent complete integrations for each bot.

Failed displays the most recent failed integrations for each bot. Flagged displays the most recent flagged integrations for each bot. Xcode opens the bot. Click the name of any bot or integration in the list on the bots homepage. Click the Download link to download the status bot apple tv and assets for status bot apple tv integration. In the list on the bots homepage, tap the name of any bot or integration. Tap the blue Install button to install the app for the integration.

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