Compile Bitcoin Core from Source on Ubuntu

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Ubuntu is often recommended as an operating system on which to run Bitcoin Core. This guide shows how to compile Bitcoin Core from scratch on a clean Ubuntu For example, the binary Bitcoin Core package for Ubuntu Compiling and installing from source eliminates the need to rely on precompiled binaries when updating.

A secondary reason to compile from source is that it requires less trust. Although the maintainers of the Bitcoin Core binary package do a fine job, binaries are a few steps removed from raw source code. Source code, in contrast, can be inspected before compilation and installation.

Yet another reason to compile from source is to enable custom behavior. For example, the Bitcoin Core GUI and wallet can be disabled if you plan to use the software without those features. The method for installing Bitcoin Core described here requires that you enter text-based commands. The preferred way to do this is through the Terminal application. Ubuntu uses a package manager to simplify the downloading and installation of software components. Over time, the configuration of these packages becomes outdated.

Ensure that your version of Ubuntu has the latest package information with the following command. Enter your login password when prompted. In addition to providing the current version of Bitcoin Core, Git gives ready access to all past and future versions. Bitcoin unix executable files first one, build-essentialenables software to be compiled from source.

Bitcoin Core relies on an old version of the Berkeley Database that is not available as a standard Ubuntu To compile Bitcoin Core, move back into the previously-cloned bitcoin unix executable files repository and checkout the current release tag. At the time of the last update to this article, that version is bitcoin unix executable files. Next, configure build, and install the binaries.

Prerequisites Bitcoin unix executable files for the Terminal application. Bitcoin unix executable files the Terminal application. Commands are entered after the dollar sign. Update Ubuntu uses a package manager to simplify the downloading and installation of software components. To confirm, use the ls command. Begin by downloading and verifying the BerkeleyDB source package. Next, unpack the BerkeleyDB bitcoin unix executable files and compile. The remaining dependencies can be installed with a single command.

Run Bitcoin Core Bitcoin Core can now be run from the command line. Running this command should bring up the Bitcoin Core welcome screen. Was this post useful? Get my newsletter direct to your inbox for free. No spam, just great content like this. Unsubscribe at any time.

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