Buying Bitcoins

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Once you have digital currency —such as Bitcoin or Ethereum— in your Luno wallet, you can easily send it to others. Review the transaction, enter your PIN or two-factor authentication code if necessary, depending on your device and settings and confirm.

See the manual send schedule to see when your transfer will be completed. This is a convenient way to pay using your Luno wallet, without the need to enter the recipient's wallet address. There is a dynamic fee when you send Bitcoin or Ethereum, which is based on the blockchain network activity at that time.

More information about send fees can be found here. What does it cost to use Luno? Does Luno charge any fees? How long does it take to send digital currency? Contact us for more help.

Buy, store and learn about Bitcoin and Ethereum now. We are using cookies to provide statistics that help us give you the best experience of our site.

You can find out more by visiting our privacy policy. By continuing to use the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. BitX is now Luno. Price charts Bitcoin Price Ethereum Price. How do I send Bitcoin for free? How do I send Bitcoin or Ethereum? There are three ways to send digital currencies using Luno: Set up a bitcoin wallet for someone else to a wallet address Sending it to someone's email set up a bitcoin wallet for someone else or mobile number Bitcoin only Scanning a QR code Sending to a wallet address, email address or mobile number Steps: Sending by scanning a QR Code This is a convenient way to pay using your Luno wallet, without the need to enter the recipient's wallet address.

Remember, sending Bitcoin to an email address or mobile number is instant and free. Related articles What does it cost to use Luno? Was this article helpful?

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Bitcoin is a new virtual currency or as my buddy Dmitri puts it:. I wasn't so much interested in the whole technical details on how Bitcoin works. I'm no crypto expert and Bitcoin got a lot of buzz in the recent months, the whole protocol and clients are open source and I trust that many people more clever than me have analyzed how it works and that the system itself is secure 2.

However it turned out that some basic technical understanding is needed to understand why certain things work as they do. So lets put down some probably oversimplified basics first. BitCoin is decentralized using Peer-to-Peer technology. This means there is no real central authority, similar to popular filesharing protocols, clients talk to each other and propagate transactions through the network pretty much like Gnutella did.

BitCoin clients are called wallets. Like a real wallet they store your coins. If you loose your wallet, that is the file your client stores the data, you loose your money. These transactions use public-key mechanisms think SSH , so you send a coin with your private key to the public key of someone else. Your wallet contains the private keys for your coins. Without that key the coins can't be spent anymore 3.

To verify the integrity of all transactions and make counterfeiting impossible, transactions are verified and signed by miners by creating so called blocks. Mining is a very computational expensive process involving lots of hashing.

A block contains many transactions and the BitCoin clients will use these blocks to verify transactions. People running the mining process get rewarded for completing a block by receiving a certain amount of bitcoins from the system 4 and from fees attached to the transaction more on that later.

But to just use Bitcoin you don't need to think about it much. You just need to know that there are nodes in the network doing expensive work to verify transactions and keep the system working. The first thing you need to use BitCoins, is a wallet. I did my first steps with an Android app called Bitcoin Wallet.

You can also use the official client available at bitcoin. Once started, the wallet will create an address for you. Now people can send bitcoins to this address. To get started I asked around at my followers if someone could donate a small amount to me for playing and fabsh from Linux Outlaws was kind enough to send me 1 BTC 6. It took about 10 minutes to go from his wallet to mine.

If you don't have a buddy to get you started, there's also the Bitcoin Faucet that gives away 0. Now like with a real wallet, you shouldn't keep all your money in one place like on your phone. Instead you should have a savings account. To have that, I set up a bitcoin client at my computer and then sent money from my Android wallet to the address generated by my home wallet. This is the same as if I'd be sending money to someone else's wallet.

Now the dialog looks easy enough. It expects the target address and an ammount. But what is it about the optional fee? I wasn't so sure but it said optional, so I used a zero and hit send. The BTCs vanished from my wallet, but on the other side nothing showed up. Not after 10 minutes and not an hour later.

I triple checked that my client was working, that the UPNP option of my router forwarded bitcoin traffic to my client and that I didn't misspell the address. Everything was alright but my BTC didn't show up on my home computer. To understand this we have to look at the tech again. As wrote earlier, transactions have to be confirmed in a mined block before they are valid. Creating these blocks is expensive — it takes a lot of CPU and thus electricity to calculate them.

To encourage people to running miners, the system currently gives some free bitcoins to the miner who calculated a new block, but this will stop once 21 million bitcoins are in circulation 8. But blocks then still need to be created to verify transactions. To give people an incentive you can attach a small fee to your transaction. This fee goes to the miners who can prioritize the inclusion of transactions with fees.

The idea of a currency is that you can use it to buy or sell stuff. Unfortunately the list of sites accepting Bitcoin isn't that overwhelming currently. This means to give the currency real value it has to be convertible to other currencies. And that is exactly what happens. The biggest trader for Bitcoins is Mt.

Gox who is said to handle Bitcoins for about half a million US Dollar daily. Like with a real currency, the exchange rate can vary and the following graph shows how the interest in Bitcoin during the recent months changed its value massively:. I bought a 3 USD gift code for 0. Thanks to the 0. The biggest problem is the adoption of course. A currency is only as good as is its acceptance rate. Unless it is backed by some bigger players 10 I fear that it will remain a rather geeky payment option only.

My mom might be able to use her credit card to paypal me money, but buying bitcoins? Bitcoin for Beginners like me Bitcoin is a new virtual currency or as my buddy Dmitri puts it: You mean the currency that everybody talks about, only few understand how it works, and no one uses?

Only several hours later my 1 BTC finally arrived. If I had added a small fee to my transaction it would probably have been picked up much faster. Like with a real currency, the exchange rate can vary and the following graph shows how the interest in Bitcoin during the recent months changed its value massively: I now know how this bitcoin thing works and I have to admit I'm intrigued.

The problem with Paypal is that it is a centralized system that can easily freeze your money for whatever reason they see fit.

Prominent examples are the frozen accounts for WikiLeaks donations, but there are lots of horror stories from individuals on the net. And no, just having Google Checkout or Amazon Webpayments does not solve that problem — it just puts a different name on it. Hi, I'm Andreas Gohr and splitbrain. Enjoy your stay here.

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