Bitcoin legislation in the Netherlands

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Cryptocurrency is the new way to invest money. The Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency, being created inbut for a while now, not the only bitcoin blog nederland. Nowadays, we see also other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Litecoin or Dash upcoming. Like Bitcoins, these are digital currencies which are stored in an online wallet. According to current legislation and regulation, digital cryptocurrencies are not to be seen as a legal method of payment. This does not mean that payment at all is out of the question.

For instance, it is possible via specific vendors to purchase goods using Bitcoins. For example, Microsoft restored Bitcoin as a payment option. Mining is a mix of advanced math combined with record-keeping activities. By resolving these math problems, Bitcoins are earned. Approximately bitcoin blog nederland 10 minutes a block is released and the person who solves the code belonging to that particular block is rewarded with some Bitcoins. According to some commentators Bitcoin blog nederland are a fraud, to be considered a bubble and no different if not worse, considering its bitcoin blog nederland diffusion than the tulip bulb bubble, which is destined to collapse.

Furthermore, the Dutch national supervisory authority bitcoin blog nederland no grip on Bitcoins which fall - under circumstances - out of the scope for now! That is why Bitcoin brokers have — from a regulatory perspective — no defined regulatory constraints. There is no central issuer, which means nobody can be held reliable for the issuance of Bitcoins.

Bitcoin cannot be qualified as virtual money as mentioned in the Wft. It can also not yet be qualified as a financial product under Dutch law. This means that the AFM cannot yet have any supervisory power which gives the Bitcoin broker a large amount of freedom.

That said, there are circumstances under which activities with Bitcoins might fall under the scope of the AFM. Regardless bitcoin blog nederland the fact that Bitcoins are not yet regulated, it bitcoin blog nederland to be advised immediately to put in place internal procedures aimed to govern transparency and bitcoin blog nederland of Bitcoins transactions.

It is expected that Bitcoins will be regulated in the Netherlands in the near future. If you need support in drafting Bitcoin - and procedures bitcoin blog nederland if you seek other legal advice regarding cryptocurrencies, please feel free to contact Hedwig Delescen, financial lawyer in the Netherlands email: Together with a number of international law firms outside The Netherlands, Blenheim is member of Lawyers Associated Worldwide.

Bitcoin legislation in the Netherlands Cryptocurrency is the new way to invest money. The risks of investing in Bitcoins According to some commentators Bitcoins are a fraud, to be considered a bubble and no different if not bitcoin blog nederland, considering its international diffusion than the tulip bulb bubble, which is destined to collapse.

Bitcoin legislation and regulation in the Netherlands? Legal advice on Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies in the Netherlands If you need support in drafting Bitcoin - and procedures or if you seek other legal advice regarding cryptocurrencies, please feel free to contact Hedwig Delescen, financial lawyer in the Netherlands email:

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