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All users are strongly advised to help the network by upgrading their Bytecoin Daemons v. The last 2 days have been bytecoin news reddit decisive for the entire Bytecoin project. The entire team has been working non-stop for the past 24 hours to investigate the issue and make the necessary fixes. It's strongly recommended to avoid any transferrings of BCN until the situation is taken under control. However, this discussion moves far away from a mining problem and becomes more of a political decision.
The 1st quarter has passed and we are very happy to announce that despite many obstacles, such as governmental regulations, bans, scandals, and restrictions from bytecoin news reddit in the Asian market, we were still successful in launching our communities in Asia.
Currently we have very active community members in Korea, China, Japan, and Taiwan. Bytecoin news reddit sending BTC from the external client will allow your funds go to the memory pool immediately. This measure bytecoin news reddit taken due to the current high volatility of cryptocurrencies and this period of time tends to minimise the risks of the extreme price fluctuations. Meet the updated web wallet! Here we present our plan for the new products and apps that Bytecoin plans to release.
We have been inspired to bring you the very best in terms of services and features which will make the use of Bytecoin easier to use than ever before. Bytecoin news reddit Reference Client v. The Bytecoin Development Team has decided to make one more important announcement, which is May 16, Update on 3.
May 09, Bytecoin and Binance: Bytecoin network is experiencing unusal high load. Transactions can be delayed, node synchronization can bytecoin news reddit far behind. Team is working hard to solve issues.
We will notify you right after everything will be fixed! This change is likely to bytecoin news reddit only Web wallets developers.
This change breaks compatilibilty between new and old walletd and bytecoindso make sure they are both the same version. Dear Community, The 1st quarter has passed and we are very happy to announce that despite many obstacles, such as governmental regulations, bans, scandals, and restrictions from authorities in the Asian market, we were still successful in launching our communities in Asia. Official Bytecoin news reddit and Deadlines from the Development Team. Code and wallet function optimization 2FA using Google Authenticator QR-code reader Monitor the rates by clicking on the header Direct links from the hash to the block explorer.
Mobile Wallet for your Android graduates to version 1. Our Android wallet has officially been released! It is now available for your viewing and downloading pleasure from the Google Play Store! Updated crawler public key Daemon stability improvements Bytecoin Wallet changes bytecoin news reddit.
Transactions can be delayed, node bytecoin news reddit can lag far Getting started Downloads News Contact. Community Forum Source code Bytecoin wiki Blog. CryptoNote technology Website archive.