Trade Data Online
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Trade Data Online provides census us trade by country ability to generate customized reports on Canada and Census us trade by country. The province of origin is the province or territory in which the goods were grown, extracted or manufactured. This may not always coincide with the province where the goods were cleared by customs. The province of clearance is the province or territory in which the goods were cleared by customs either for immediate consumption in Canada or for entry into a bonded customs warehouse.
This may not always coincide with the province in which they are consumed. The country of destination is the country which is the last known destination of the goods at the time census us trade by country export. If the shipper does not know the country of ultimate destination, the shipment is credited to the last country to which the shipper knows that the merchandise will be shipped in the same form as when exported.
As a result, statistics tend to be over counted for shipments to transhipment countries such as Hong Kong and the Netherlands and under counted for other countries. Statistics Canada and the U.
Trade Maps Look up international trade data for over countries outside Canada and the U. Canadian Importers Database Find companies importing goods into Canada, by product, by city, and by country of origin. Trader is the country that records imported goods coming in or exporting goods leaving through customs. Different types of options to produce a report classified according to the International Harmonized System HS.
The International Trade centre has created a range of market analysis tools for developing countries — Trade Map, Market Access Map, Investment Map and Standards Map to help census us trade by country examine the export and import statistics of over countries and territories to better understand supply and demand trends for around 5, internationally traded products. To get access to all the features, you will need to register. You can start your registration by clicking on Trade Map and go to the Login button at the top right of the page.
Once you have registered, the International Trade centre will notify you by email and provide temporary access. Your request will be forwarded census us trade by country Innovation, Science and Economic Development for approval.
Users must be Canadian to be granted access. Trade Maps covers the annual census us trade by country flows mirror and direct of over countries and territories and 5, products defined at the 2, 4 or 6-digit level of the Harmonized System with different trade indicators indices, values, quantities, trends, market share census us trade by country unit values and times series since displayed in graphic, map or tabular format.
Trade values can be selected from 17 different currencies. The Market Access Map is an interactive analytical web application developed by the International Trade centre to support the needs of exporters and importers. It presents a comprehensive perspective on the different types of barriers that affect international trade. This includes information on both tariffs and non-tariff measures that you could face in exporting to certain countries.
Investment Map is a unique web-based analysis tool that combines statistics on foreign direct investment FDIinternational trade and market access conditions into a single portal. Investment Map allows analyses by country, trading partner and industry. It also includes relevant information on activities of foreign affiliates in developing countries and economies in transition. Standards Map provides comprehensive, verified and transparent information on voluntary sustainability standards and other similar initiatives covering issues such as food quality and safety.
The main objective of census us trade by country programme is to strengthen the capacity of producers, exporters, policymakers and buyers, to participate in more sustainable production and trade.
Overview What is Trade Data Online? Trade Data provides custom-based statistics on international trade in goods to help you: Find new import or export markets; Determine competition for your products; Identify domestic opportunities for import replacement; Discover a country's trade balance. Find out what products countries are importing, exporting or re-exporting throughout the world.
What is the province of origin? What is the province of clearance? What is the country of origin? The country or origin is the country in which the goods were grown, extracted or manufactured. What is the country of destination? Latest data This site is updated with data obtained from Statistics Canada and the U.
Current data March Trade Data is updated on a monthly and annual basis, with revisions in March, April, May, August and November to previous year's data.
Trade Data is available on both product and census us trade by country versions. Help Trade type - product List of financial transactions for International Trade. Trader - product Trader is the country that records imported goods coming census us trade by country or exporting goods leaving through customs. Trading partner The country or collection of countries with which the trader does International Trade. Select a product Different types of options to produce a report classified according to the International Harmonized System HS.
Trade type - industry List of financial transactions for International Trade. Trader - industry Trader is the country that records imported goods coming in or exporting goods leaving through customs. Here is some of the information you can access once access to the full version is granted.
Trade Maps Trade Maps covers the annual trade census us trade by country mirror and direct of over countries and territories and 5, products defined at the 2, 4 or 6-digit level of the Harmonized System with different trade indicators indices, values, quantities, trends, market share and unit values and times series since displayed in graphic, map or tabular format.
Market Access Map The Market Access Map is an interactive analytical web application developed by the International Trade centre to support the needs of exporters and importers. Investment Map Investment Map is a unique web-based analysis tool that combines statistics on foreign direct investment FDIinternational trade and market access conditions into a single portal. Standards Map Standards Map provides comprehensive, verified and transparent information on voluntary sustainability standards and other similar initiatives covering issues such as food quality and safety.