As Feds Fumble With Bitcoin, The Internet Trolls The FBI’s “Private” Wallet
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From the frenzied coverage of the U. In the end, they took hold of about 27, units of Bitcoinwhich an FBI spokesman said on Monday is all they were authorized to take.
And indeed, while the civil forfeiture action does repeat the claim that Ulbricht at some point earnedFbi bitcoin wallet comments on for himself, it does not specifically address the question of where that currency ended up. Nor does it describe a digital wallet held by Ulbricht himself. It simply names the various wallets associated with Silk Road, all of which the FBI has accessed and emptied. The difference is not a trifling one.
It gives hope to fbi bitcoin wallet comments on die-hard proponents like Ulbricht himself who see Bitcoin as a way to shrug off unwanted government interference in their lives. It also suggests there are limits on how far cyber cops can go — and that there is activity taking place well beyond those limits.
And there almost certainly is. To the imaginable delight of the idealists out there in Bitcoin land, that mystery remains to be solved. We welcome comments that advance the story through relevant opinion, anecdotes, links and data. If you see a comment that you believe is irrelevant or inappropriate, you can flag it to our editors by using the report abuse links.
Views expressed in the comments do not represent those of Reuters. For more information on our comment policy, see http: Hypothetically, he could have entrusted it to someone else, but I find that unlikely. Regardless, there is no real mystery as to where his money is. It is in a cold storage wallet, the seed of which is almost certainly only stored in his brain, hence the term brain wallet.
This is abundantly clear to anyone with fbi bitcoin wallet comments on basic fbi bitcoin wallet comments on of Bitcoin. They tallied the total amount of commissions he earned and multiplied by the bitcoin price on the day of the bust in coming up with that number. Likewise for employee expenses, hosting, etc. But given the lengths he went to when going after an employee who he thought was stealing from him, I doubt that anyone else has access or knowledge as to where it is.
And i wonder if he even knows… if it was written down and stowed somewhere, what are the odds of recovering his wallet upon release from jail, should he even be released? And then, what are the odds that Bitcoin will still be with us should he get out in 10, 20 or 40 years? Breaking bad, the Bitcoin addition. Posted by isskewl Fbi bitcoin wallet comments on as abusive. Posted by lucasjkr Report as abusive.