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Forex autotrading is a slang term for automated trading on the foreign exchange market , wherein trades are executed by a computer system based on a trading strategy implemented as a program run by the computer system. The trading strategy consist of a set of criteria, and is typically programmed, but can also be created by using a method combining the set of criteria visually without programming.

The set of criteria used in a trading strategy for Automated Trading are mostly based on technical analysis. Forex autotrading originates at the emergence of online retail trading , since about when internet -based companies created retail forex platforms that provide a quick way for individuals to buy and sell on the forex spot market.

Nevertheless, larger retail traders could autotrade Forex contracts at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange as early as in the s. An automated trading environment can generate more trades per market than a human trader can handle and can replicate its actions across multiple markets and time frames. An automated system is also unaffected by the psychological swings that human traders are prey to. This is particularly relevant when trading with a mechanical model, which is typically developed on the assumption that all the trade entries flagged will actually be taken in real time trading.

As a decentralized and relatively unregulated market, it is extremely attractive to a number of Forex scams. Forex autotrading, as it brings Forex trading to the masses makes even more people susceptible to frauds.

Bodies such as the National Futures Association and the U. Securities and Exchange Commission have issued warnings and rules to avoid fraudulent Forex trading behavior. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved April 2, High frequency automated FX trading".

Retrieved from " https: All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from January Views Read Edit View history. Languages Deutsch Edit links. This page was last edited on 10 July , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.