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If anything is unclear in this guide please leave a comment about it. When looking at the hash to watt ratio this is currently the most efficient card on the market. The difficulty of the network is too high to effectively solo mine with a single computer.

After you installed the litecoin client it will have to catch up with the network first before you can start mining as you can see in the image below. Currently I advice you to use cgminer as guiminer-scrypt is still very unstable. Cgminer is command line software and a bit harder to set up but if you follow this guide it should be no problem as we also create shortcuts on your desktop to start the mining. Guiminer can be found here.

This one is not recommended but you can try it if you like. Now not all graphic cards support mining but if you purchased a medium range or better one the last years you should be able to mine. I will be using coinotron in this guide. Make sure LTC is selected under coin. Intensity, this you can set anywhere from 0 to 18 where at 18 your computer becomes unusable and might even freeze. You can try any of the thread concurrencies within these ranges but it has to be a multiple of Make sure you use the concurrency that fits your card model.

Find your bus width here: You can set a maximum temperature if you run into problems, the default is 95 which is ok for most cards. I prefer to run it from cmd so I can see any error might it occur. Replace -u and -p with your own username and password. For pooled mining you have to use: For solo mining you have to connect to your own litecoin wallet: Note that guidminer-scrypt gets very different results with the same settings, I find it harder to get good hashrates with guiminer-scrypt.

You should be mining by now! Anything missing or any questions? Leave a comment below. Hi thanks for the step by step set up. I am not able to mine accepted or rejected shares, nor shows my worker online when i log in on cointron. I tried to run the mining proxy from my minerd folder hoping that would do the trick. Any help much obliged. It seems that Coinotron is having some issues, more people are reporting this here: Unfortunately there is no other PPC pool at the moment, bitparking closed this week and the other ones seem to be a scam.

Just Waring You My Friend! Great guide you have here. Does this mean the pool is neither accepting nor rejecting any shares from me? It has stayed like this for nearly an hour now and my stats on the pool site is set to 0. Any fixes or help with this problem?

Do you have another gpu maybe? I had a problem when it would run my bad Intel graphics card but no my main gpu. Look carefully at what one its using. I am up and running thanks to your guide but I seem to keep getting interrupted then reconnecting again. What is the exact command line you are using?

Then followed the prompts when it asked for the server http: I will have another try will your command line though. Although the program did not accept it.

I will try again and i will also roll back to the exact version you are using and see if that helps. There seems to be something wrong with the formatting of the dashes. It will probably work if you type over the whole command line manually. I think you have the same problem as Sam smoo, the dashes are not formatted properly. It should be working when you type them manually. Ok thanks a million that did the trick. Everything is working smooth now thanks!! Do you have any articles on here that cover building a rig?

There is possibly more than one display attatched to a GPU. Probing for an alive pool pool 0 JSON stratum auth failed: Using a as well and the setup on coinotron went successfully.. I also installed the SDK Can you please help me?

How long did you wait from starting? GUIMiner takes 2 or so min to start running in my experience. Cryptocur what do you think of the rig I am planning to build? Funny that you mention it! I have been doing some research the last few days to create an article about mining rigs. It is looking good, the comments are pretty much spot on. However, a bit extra ram and the ssd are nice. Thanks for the great guide. I am using cgminer 2. I have been mining for a week and was wondering about thread concurrency.

Now I know, computed it for my card, updated and save cgminer. I uploaded the zip to mega: Hello, everytime I start cgminer, after a few seconds cgminer causes a problem and maust be closed. At which point I get a popup indicating that cgminer. What am I doing wrong and is my video card supported? This is because miners are also used on infected computers to mine for someone else. I can confirm this, even the one from the official cgminer site shows as a trojan with some av but if you do a little research you can see it is widely used in the litecoin community and all you need to do is add an exception.

FYI Cryptocur I have been promoting this article like mad on reddit. For example, I have a , the bus width is And its start with saying that GPU 0 failure, disabling! Then after a minute, it says that Stratum from pool 0 detected a new block, does this mean that it is working, or not? I entered the command that included all of the information thread concurrency, web address, username, etc. The computer is connected to the internet and the grapics card is working, what do you think could be the issue?

What card are you using, I think it might be the ati sdk, I had a similar problem. You need to install the sdk first then the gpu drivers. What do you think? Furthermore, do i like to have some case coolers. Fixer wil be rewarded. Also open miner s on coinotron. I have one wierd problem. What is problem here????? This will display and retain the error foor you that is causing the crash. So with that said the example using the string in this article would be this,,.

Then when you get it running you can re-edit your config script to remove those args. This will result in a clean stacking of either accepted or rejected shares.

Press enter to continue: Is this the case? I try to get my card mining again after installing a new OS: Windows 7 64bit pro. What can I do? Your email address will not be published. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: About Arras WordPress Theme. Cryptocurrencies All the information you need about cryptocurrencies.