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Africa on primecoin hp 10 10bii Oct The new machine has noisier keys with a more hollow click sound. In contrast the 10bII has a solid firm click and no rattle. Just made a short video to demonstrate the differences: Display is clear with a greenish tint, but I prefer the yellowish 10bII with its better contrast. Tried the usual ! Current state is now fully preserved at power off: The new colours of the key legends are a mixed bag: Lots of new functions!
I am really happy to see trigs and hyperbolics and especially the normal and t distributions. A real pity HP couldn't include F and chi-squared then I would have a replacement in case my 21s dies. Long time lurker primecoin hp 10 10bii these forums and mild HP collector er, fanatic? Thanks for the video. On a smooth, hard surface desk I hear but don't feel the difference. I believe that this is caused by: Both of these could be fixed with a little creative user engineering, I think.
Perhaps HP could tweak the primecoin hp 10 10bii line on these aspects. It also has a nice bunch of functions including the Gamma function -- try No keyboard issues at all, so I'm kind of puzzled by that comment Africa on 31 Oct4: Katie, You are right: When held the two models are quieter.
I think the primecoin hp 10 10bii noise and the keyboard flex is because the upper case is thinner than on the 10bII. Perhaps that is one tweak HP could look into Perhaps better than the 10bII: The keyboard is identical between models, except for very very early 10bII units, so that is kind of surprising to me. Glad you like it! I'm the one the wrote most of the software. And by the way, one of the nicest collection of statistical functions around in such a calculator -- great job Tim!
The extra noise and flex are primecoin hp 10 10bii likely because the upper case is thinner, the keys are now held less tightly hence the rattle and the click echoes. I am in awe at the work done on the software.
I worked through some of the manual this weekend and especially love the new stats editor. It's very impressive how easy it is to use and how the 7-segment display is not limiting at all! Thought it was about time I contributed something.
I think I was too distracted by the noise to notice at first ; Kevin. Africa The keyboard is identical between models, except for very very early 10bII units, so that is kind of surprising to me.