Arduino due bitcoin mineral
41 commentsCara membuat robot status bar transparan menggunakan xblast tool
WeeklyPonziV3 on January 10, , But hey, there's always next week! The users assume the risks by depositing into weeklyponzi.
Many users have made a good profit in the last day or so. I don't know what exactly you're trying to prove by creating a thread such as this. There's no mystery surrounding "oh is it a ponzi, idk man - is it? Yes it's a ponzi. Nothing to debate here. Are you located in the US?
What you are doing is fraud. Not everyone on the internet is from the US, are they now? Keep your "legal advice" to yourself. Fraud - wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.. Do you see any deception going on here? I'm not claiming to be a securities lawyer. But individuals on this board have gone to prison for the same thing http: Doesn't matter how you spin it. Actually, it's not the same thing.
That guy was claiming to invest his users deposits into btc arbs. I don't claim to invest into anything, just a good old fashion, transparent, ponzi. I enjoy the transparency, it's cute. I repeat the question. If a thief tells the victim he is going to steal, and steals the money, he is a honest thief, right? No police, np investigation, no nothing? In this scenario, the opportunity makes greed its weapon. Greed is sometimes more powerful than threat. This is how it is going to be: Quotes from cryptodouble, which has reached the limit of growth.
It is going down in 2 or 3 days. Enzyme on January 10, , MasterVampire on January 10, , Maza-plan on January 10, , There are still people putting money into this