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Pool advertising is allowed but should be kept to a minimum. Log in or sign up in seconds. Can anyone do a test for me?
You could bump the thread-concurrency. If you can improve it so that people can actually USE the spreadsheet and get set up quickly and easily, THEN you'd have a great document! Welcome to the community, and please follow the rules in the sidebar! Ill throw you some LTC for your troubles. I think I should be able to get out of them. Wanted to say values for putting values data together. The second most important factor for some cards is the ratio of core speed to memory speed.
Sure I could have 5 slots populated with s with two w PSUs and have an insane hashrate of or something but when you doing a simple comparison chart it is important to denote that there are two processors litecoin one board.
Its not magic, its just another litecoin. I was so afraid I would have to spend days trying find the perfect settings for my s. You said you were open to suggestions to improve your sheet but you clearly aren't because you seem to know better.
If you have 2 s in your rig you have 4 GPUs. Believe it or not people who actually care about computers look at dual-GPU cards much differently than single-GPU cards.
It's, in my opinion, a way you could have strengthened your sheet. But again, you say you know better so I'll let you do your thing. If a GPU has processors and mines at kh and another has 1 processor and runs at kh while both consuming the same power, what difference does the amount of processors make in the final decision? There isn't any difference, just that one has more than the other, they still perform exactly the same.
But we are not comparing GPU architectures we are comparing their performance while hashing. Knowing about the second processor does not add any speed, any price, any power consumption to the final figures of the GPU itself. It literally means nothing when trying to determine the profit per card. All of the statistics the second processor introduces, are already taken into account in the speed, price, and power consumption columns.
There is no new useful information introduced when listing the number of processors. Why are you fighting me on this so hard? Why not just add a separate row? Similarly here it is important to denote why this card obtains the figures that it does and what it's capable of. That's great information that is often hidden behind the raw kH numbers presented in these sheets.
Even though I strongly considered the I quickly realized the s were the better buy -- and that information wasn't on a chart. Put it on a chart and really help people out! You need to adjust your settings. That's nice and all, but - and I am sorry to say this - it's useless data. There is nothing that allows anybody to recreate the settings.
You don't list the operating system, drivers or software versions installed, power supply, motherboard, miner software being used, and most importantly what settings the miner is using. To recreate the settings you simply need to do a google search and search for settings that people have used for the specific card I am assuming the person using this chart is smart enough to get the card mining at the peak level.
Yes you can take anyone of those cards and run it at 10 intensity and get a terrible speed. Setting up the GPU to mine at the listed speeds is the users responsibility. Also, maybe if I we're make a big website and everything for ltc mining I would for sure add all of that, but I have no reason to invest that much time into this chart, there is no payoff.
Then what's the point of the spreadsheet except to ask for donations? Sorry, I am just saying it how I see it. Can you do that? I am sure tons of people would be VERY happy. I know I would be. This goes back to the magic saying, do not believe everything you read on the internet! If you find no use for it, don't use it. I personally only wanted to see which card was more efficient in terms of bang for buck and speed per wattage consumption.
That is how I base my calculations. There is no one stop spot to find all this information, and I do not claim for my spreadsheet to hold it all. Yes there are many things that could be added and maybe I might in the future make something nice.
But for now this is what I decided to do. I have to apologize. You're right - the spreadsheet does make good sense of exactly what you posted it would do - cost to pay off equipment. My bad, I looked at it and thought it was more of a setup layout, which frustrated me because I have been looking for tips and tricks on the best tuning for cards.
Wanted to say thanks for putting this data together. I just started researching litecoin mining and found this very useful.
Yes, I understand the data has limits and there are numerous variables in setup, miner, etc that will effect the results. For me it was helpful to understand the relative hash rates and power consumption between cards. Please let me know if any of the figures are off. I tried my best to get the best price, khs, and wattage ratings I could find. If you found this useful please donate!
Our figures with our R9 x is The figure is pretty low. We were doing and found an additional setting that bumped us to I remember seeing someone hit with an R9 X, very impressive little cards.
I would've gone for 2 of those if I didn't already have 2x R9 s. Temperatures remain at 93oC, even with a box fan pointing on it. I'd love to see their launch variables! We have all the cards, just waiting on some risers. Hey, how many DCU2's do you have and what's your hash rate? During mining, if you happen to find a block solving hash you are allowed to award yourself the reward amount.
Non-specialized hardware comparison Below are statistics about the Bitcoin Mining performance of ASIC hardware and only includes specialized equipment that has been shipped.
Avalon 6,, No Ethernet? Avalon 7,, Yes Ethernet? Avalon 8,, Yes Ethernet? Avalon 11,, Bulk only Ethernet? Electrum users must upgrade to 3.
October 08, , I'll try to make it easy, as there's been a million people asking lately how to mine LTC. Litecoin is a cryptocurrency that uses an alternative, memory hard hashing algorithm called scrypt that was devised by mathematics' prodigy Colin Percival.
The algorithm utilizes SHA and a stream function called salsa20 to force devices that mine it to either use a lot of memory or use dramatically more ALU cycles to perform a hash. This requirement for fast memory in order to mine quickly results in Litecoin being FPGA and ASIC resistant ; although ASICs may one day come out for Litecoin, they are not expected to garner the same performance increases as for Bitcoin two orders of magnitude more efficient.
Some evidence suggests that different 7xxx cards may have different ideal core:.