“Bitcoin is Better Than Currency” – Bill Gates

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Already, Bill prefer paying with Bitcoin and can execute than quicker and less expensive than with my credit card. Satoshi Nakamoto could be unmasked if this hacker gets 25 Bitcoins. I'd think it far too risky gates store more than a little spending money on something so insecure as a cellphone. Thank you for contacting us! After long remaining mostly mum on Bitcoin, Microsoft's legendary co-founder Bill Gates has spoken.

Among other rules, it would require Bitcoin businesses in New York and any businesses with customers in New York to identify all of their clients and store extensive records of transactions. There may be more comments in this discussion. Now, the Xerox guys just decided to dump them, but that's more their loss than anything. So are cipher-punks anarchists? Gox mess back in February may feel a little differently.

News Daily For updates and exclusive offers, enter your e-mail below. You can think Intel for the crappy intel instruction sets and lack of things like VM support, multitasking, and protected memory, which forced MS to make crappy operating systems and compatible with that crappy system mixed with better luddities who were forced to switch to computers and didn't know better created the mess of the past.

Last updated on October 13th, at For now, the BitLicense is being presented as a form of consumer protection, but its ultimate goal is bill censorship of transactions deemed gates by than government and people like Bill Gates. Bitcoin is better than currency bitcoin that you don't bitcoin is better than currencybill gates to be physically in the same place. Its worth can bitcoin is better than currencybill gates hard to pinpoint, too, which is why it's smart to be cautious when investing in cryptocurrency.

Probably the most notorious example was Blockchain. But the former head bitcoin is better than currencybill gates the US Mint also noted that Gates failed to mention that cryptography actually makes transactions more secure instead of less and might actually lower incidents of financial crimes.

We are finding that most of the real experts in both technology and finance, as well as many in law enforcement, are pretty much unconcerned with the idea that Bitcoin will make it easier for most criminals because of the public nature of the blockchain. Follow us on Facebook. We are considering your request and will contact you in due course. If you have any further queries, please contact:.

Schatzker asked his opinion of cryptocurrencies during the interview and Gates replied: Gates shed light on this aspect, stating: Hottest Bitcoin News Daily For updates and exclusive offers, enter your e-mail below. We will reply to you as soon as possible. No but it sure as hell gave him a ton of money and hundreds of billions over the past few decades for MS to invest in new products. Richest companies are ones where people need you and keep coming back over and over again such as Gillette, Chevron, McDonalds, etc.

MS of today might be different as businesses and working professionals still need MS office and Windows to get the job done but not like in the past during the reign of Gates where it kept going obsolete over and over and he got a cut for each upgr.

THAT is your example of a company that "people need and keep coming back to", and as a contract to Microsoft's profiting from obsolesence schedule.

These tools when used with Tor and a marketplace like Openbazaar or Darkmarket insure that you are practically as anomynous as you can get. Bitcoin is better than currency in that you don't have to be physically in the same place. The Aztecs put their money where their mouth is [blogspot. They had a saying, "You can eat money. That gives whole new twist to "money does not grow on trees". And yes, some people surely prefered to use their bit of land for money-mining than for having an extra guest room.

Given that he's promoting it as a payment method rather than currency, you're asking the wrong question. They put there cash under somebody else's mattress and are complaining they were robbed? Hey, they were libertarians. They didn't believe they needed their bank to be government regulated. I never suggested I "like" the label libertarian and please look up the definition of a pyramid scheme.

The revisionism within the Bitcoin community about Mt. The truth is that the Bitcoin "establishment", as it was, was generally pro-Mt. Gox, and indeed some parts of the system continued to promote Mt. Gox long after the company went insolvent. Despite this, just do a search for warning posts from many members on sites like bitcointalk to see how many people were warning others about Mt-Gox well into advance.

The amount of warnings posts and time stretched on for a couple of years because Mt Gox had a history of horrible customer service and being hacked. At most you have a third of users leaning that direction". What a strange statement. You might need to examine your understanding of the phrase "nothing could be further from the truth". Also, why do you assert this fraction is "rapidly decreasing"? Or did BitCoin attract that astounding percentage of anarchists later for some reason?

Anyone, any organization, or politics is free to use and benefit from crypto-currencies, in this sense Bitcoin is politically nuetral. Both the designers politics and the intrinsic design structure remains anarchistic in nature, however.

There is no majority consens. I read his comment as: And since there's little context provided in the FA or bitcoin is better than currencybill gates vid, I'm going to go ahead and assume Gates' comments referred to virtual currencies in general - not just bitcoin.

Now that virtual currencies are getting some traction, Gates waqnts to jump in so he can get credit for being an early backer. Well to be fair being early and out of business is still worse than being "early" and a multibillion dollar company. You don't need hardware to get Bitcoins. In fact, you can get fractions of Bitcoins for absolutely free! It doesn't cost bitcoin is better than currencybill gates to mine the block. Mining the block generates brand new 25BTC.

Transaction fees are added to that, so the miner receives slightly more than 25BTC. And I can make a credit card transaction in much less than a minute, with what is usually a fairly small fee for the card issuer. I can make a cash transaction even faster, especially if I've got exact change. In both cases, I can then walk away and do other stuff because the transaction is complete.

In some cases, this matters. In others, it doesn't. However, having to wait to complete a transaction is never good and can be very inconvenient. Or do you really want to hear bitcoin is better than currencybill gates an accredited economist such as Alan Greenspan or Ben Bernanke, the guys who couldn't see the dot-com or housing bubbles? I'd say that makes him more qualified to judge this than your average economist.

Not so much an endorsement of cryptocurrency as an opinion that physical currency is obsolete. Until security gets a whole lot better I'll continue bitcoin is better than currencybill gates carry small amounts of cash when I go out. Of course Gates probably hasn't used any cash in decades. Bitcoin's problem right now is mainly the steep learning curve but more hardware wallets are beginning to roll out so users can be more secure without being a security expert.

And this bitcoin is better than currencybill gates shortly follow along with other products- https: I'd think it far too risky to store more than a little spending money on something so insecure bitcoin is better than currencybill gates a cellphone. With bitcoin, it falls to the user to make sure their coins are secure against accident or theft - just like with cash.

Lots of people lost their coins to dead hard drives because they didn't make proper backups. I know how secure my cash is. I can store money safely long-term by putting it into a bank account. If my credit card is misused, I'm not responsible. You try getting the average person to a understand how to keep a wallet safely safe from losing it, and safe from having the bitcoin stolenand b why they should go through that to handle their money.

Once Hardware wallets are refined, prepare for a future where everyone carries one on their keychain. I remember people knowing how to use credit cards. Any problems were unrelated to actually using one. The internet was usable with a pretty basic understanding. That brought a lot of problems with bitcoin is better than currencybill gates, but hardly fatal ones.

Bitcoin provides an easy way for bitcoin is better than currencybill gates careless person to lose all their money quickly, unlike previous financial systems. How do you execute Bitcoin purchases faster bitcoin is better than currencybill gates less expensively than a credit card?

My credit card purchases take a few seconds, taking a few percent of the mone. Physical currency will become obsolete when either digital currency can't be tracked or having physical currency is considered a crime, which is coming So, if you plan on buying a used car or boat, don't bring cash with you or you.

Canada actually issued a "traveler warning" to people coming to the US about how our corrupt cops would just steal any cash they had. Bitcoin's value as a payment system isn't really novel. Credit cards would still exist, but debit cards would die, and the credit card industry would be collapse to a fraction of what it is today.

Without JavaScript enabled, you might want to turn on Classic Discussion System in your preferences instead. Sign up for the Slashdot Daily Newsletter! An anonymous reader sends this excerpt from Entrepreneur. At the Sibos financial-services industry conference in Boston, America's richest man just threw his weight behind the controversial cryptocash.

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