Dogecon SF: A Party That Was Surprisingly Serious

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DogeCoin, the silliest coin to ever pierce the 10m market cap barrier. It will go down in crypto history as one of the most successful and ridiculous pump and dumps. Where do I even start with this? Due to the silly nature of the coin, no one took it seriously, so the hashrate was extremely low during the first few days. DogeCoin reeks of developer incompetence as well. Not even 2 weeks after release, and it is already on version 1. How is it even possible to screw up so many things in a simple litecoin clone?

Can anyone honestly look at this coin and say it has a future? Like all memes, DogeCoin will eventually die dogecoin crazy train. That is an inevitable fact. Try not to be a bagholder when that happens. The Information on this website is provided for education and informational purposes only, without any express or implied warranty of any kind, including warranties of accuracy, completeness, or fitness for any particular purpose.

The Information contained in or provided from or through this website is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice, investment advice, trading advice or any other advice. Read the full disclaimer here. I think its an excellent way to expose the general population to altcoins and reflects the true culture of the middle-class Internet. How many Litecoins sponsored an Olympic Team? Actually I see alot of future in dogecoin and ordered k dogecoin from http: I think this e-currency is totally distinct from the bitcoin community who tend to horde the coin because of limited supply.

Shibes on the other hand are spendthrifts due to the plentiful supply which keeps the market going. It will level out and will be on the rise again, the community is ridiculously determined and will keep the meme alive, dogecoin crazy train it takes is one decent story about it and boom!

Sarcasm, the oldest meme. Nice choice of a reply! Coins live and die by the way dogecoin crazy train are marketed. Something like this, with a silly approach and fleeting appeal, will not last long at all. But it looks like it works?

The coin appeals to people, all the other altcoins do not. Before a coin can go mainstream his dogecoin crazy train must like it. That is what makes it strong. Doge will rise to the moon. With or without you. This article just looks like it was written by people who mistaked Bitcoin for a silly internetcoin when it started. Please do your research next time. If Dogecoin is a childrens game and play then why the hell do people want to buy it? Why the hell do companies want in on it?

And how is it that children have the possibility to buy it? Truth is you know this well but you have an itch you cant sratch and you put out what you want and not dogecoin crazy train really is. Its not just silly. Really, take a good look dogecoin crazy train clear your mind for new impressions. There is a lot of good spirit in the doge dogecoin crazy train. Regarding marketing, DOGE is a dream come true and will carry this coin to the moon. The self-evident fact that the currency has gone viral makes it a very plausable coin for everyone, because it will be recognizable, easier to use and load, unlike bitcoin serious development is going on in the background as we speak.

It took years for bitcoin to reach a peak of 5 million google searches per month. At the moment this was posted, Dogecoin is gaining a massive viral acknowledgement, sure, at first glance it looks like a joke, but the more you know….

Only time will tell what the future brings rofl and this is going to get real crazy before it gets really serious. That is my guess. I think this is the most logical reply to the article dogecoin crazy train far. It seems like everyone resents any altcoin that is not gold and silver.

This is what will make it appeal to the masses. I believe it holds an intrinsic value as a great low risk introductory tool for new digital currency users. I saw the tweet and dogecoin crazy train domain on day 1. I still think it is a joke. Now tell me who reeks of unprofessionalism again? LOL reality is, like i said, all you bitcoiners are trying to bring the market value down.

If Bitcoin is so awesome and professional, why do you all need to resort to despicable tactics dogecoin crazy train keep competition down? Once again, go look at the transactions on any trading site and tell me its not people trading hundreds of small transactions for miniscule prices. There were also massive ddos attacks a week ago. Nobody would try to drive down the price of their own coin. Yes, someone is buying up tons of Dogecoin crazy train then dogecoin crazy train it to make the price drop.

You deserve the nobel prize in economics. You have an unnecessarily hateful and hostile tone man. Oh, sorry, let dogecoin crazy train invest my money into a damned internet meme. The way Bitcoiners feel about Dogecoin is how the rest of the world views Bitcoin i.

People do not want to buy bits of a coin and they do not want to feel like they have dogecoin crazy train conned by early adopters. You can be a doge millionaire dogecoin crazy train 0. In fact it is recommended you do. It may never succeed, but I rate its chances dogecoin crazy train better than other alts because it is non threatening except to Bitcoin users who never use their Bitcoins to buy a sodding thing.

Dogiecoin is just right. Now everybody can enter in the Bitcoin world. So dogecoin crazy train, much fun. You guys are all idiots, invested in dogecoins and would have made profit. But then again, most of the idiots were skeptical of bitcoin especially when it first came out. Dogecoin will go to the moon.

It survived the first bubble and now China is discovering doge. Maybe it will be dogecoin crazy train to fail, but if it does so what? I have to agree that this coin will not exceed its trading value of around 0. Was the launch perfect?

Will it be a bitcoin killer? To be honest I see it Dogecoin becoming a popular tipping coin on various news sites and forums. Worth enough to hold some value but not worth enough to horde. I am buying Dogecoin. From a bitcoin user: A little while ago I made a post on BitCoin that got a lot of attention…some good and some bad…but mostly good thankfully! I do not like to post on reddit very much I prefer to read…less stressfulbut this is such a nice community I thought I would say Hi and let you know why I think DogeCoin is very special and just give you some words of encouragement to keep it up!

I have known about DogeCoin for about a week now. I will be honest, at first I thought it was a joke, and not the good kind. A currency based on a cute dog? I love dogs too, but it simply did not fit my notion of what a currency should be. Currencies are serious, right? Maybe this dogecoin crazy train true, but dogecoin crazy train I remembered something more fundamental about any kind of exchange, and that is that they are based on the trust and good will of people, and in this regard DogeCoin has no match.

There is a real feeling of community here; a care for others, and to top it all off, a good sense of humor and humility. Though I do love Bitcoin, my impression is that the community has grown very cynical.

Some of this is with good reason, but I think it gives the wrong impression to outsiders. People who have a lot of money, people who are well-connected. In other words, the elite. On the other hand, DogeCoin is very inviting.

Coins are cheap and plentiful. They are easy to mine or dig: The community dogecoin crazy train lighthearted and welcoming. Whatever may happen with DogeCoin, if the price goes up, goes down, or stays right where it is, the most important thing is that people keep their good nature, and let that cute dog remind them of that everytime they spend or share their coins.

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Jackson Palmer started cryptocurrency dogecoin as a joke. To his surprise, it took off. That's partly why he is not optimistic about the future of cryptocurrencies. The recent volatility in the stock market has also been felt in the value of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.

There are a lot of these around right now - Ethereum, litecoin, ripple, just to name a few. There was a gold rush back then in cryptocurrency, and I noticed there was a lot more of what are called alt coins, or alternative coins, coming on the market. You know, bitcoin copycats, they take it, they change a variable and then they, you know, release it to the world.

And so I was like, this seems a little shady. Also happening back in , this Internet meme called Doge. It was a picture of a dog, a shiba inu, and it had this goofy, Comic Sans writing all around it with grammatically challenged phrases like, such wow, and, much amaze. I had one browser tab open with this article about Doge, and right next to it, I had CoinMarketCap, which is a very popular website for checking the valuations of cryptocurrencies.

So my tab names kind of almost spelled it out for me, in a way. He chuckled about it and sent off a tweet. And then he started hearing from all these people who were like, dogecoin? A friend of his in the tech industry is like, what the hell, let's make dogecoin a real thing. It's easy to make a new cryptocurrency, and it'll be, like, a fun project to understand how this stuff really works.

And so they created dogecoin. And then the price of dogecoin starts to take off. And then we were like, oh, no. Like, this thing stands to become the joke that we were making. So Jackson and his partner decide, let's try to use dogecoin for good. On the dogecoin subreddit, they started suggesting giving dogecoins to charity. And then someone was like, hey, I heard the Jamaican bobsled team is trying to raise money. We thought, well, that's just as ridiculous as a dog on a coin.

So sure, why not? They donated dogecoin to train guide dogs, to drill wells in Kenya. Things were going great - until they weren't. In , someone convinced a lot of people to invest a lot of dogecoin in a new, shady cryptocurrency business. That business collapsed, and people lost their money. He gave away all the dogecoin he had to charity. And then last year, along with lots of other cryptocurrencies, the price of dogecoin skyrocketed again.

The total value of all the dogecoins out there reached more than a billion dollars at its peak. The irony is definitely not lost on me.

I think I wouldn't change creating it. You know, I've had several people that have come up to me and said, look, dogecoin was the first thing that got me into cryptocurrency, and because of it, I have a reality check on the whole space. And that makes me feel good because it gave them the context that if this thing with a dog on it can, like, pump in price by 10x one day, they're, like, yeah, this whole thing's crazy, right?

People are still creating new cryptocurrencies all the time. There are now more than 1, of them. He is the co-host of NPR's new daily podcast about economics and the news. It's called The Indicator, from Planet Money. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at www.

NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by Verb8tm, Inc. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. Accessibility links Skip to main content Keyboard shortcuts for audio player. Meet Dogecoin Jackson Palmer started cryptocurrency dogecoin as a joke.

Facebook Twitter Flipboard Email. February 8, 5: Heard on Morning Edition. Jackson Palmer is a product manager in San Francisco today, but Back in , I created dogecoin. And that kind of just, you know, it really ended the party, right?