The promise of managing identity on the blockchain

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It's one of the blockchain based identity thief growing crimes in the world, and over 15 million citizens are affected by it in the US alone. Now, there's blockchain based identity thief new solution to fight Identity Theft: I have a series on my blog where I'd like to share some interesting new cryptocurrency projects with you, so let me introduce this blockchain based identity thief altcoin CIVIC to you!

Civic's secure Identity platform is an app for your laptop or phone that works similarly to a wallet. It stores your personal information securely and encrypted with the help of blockchain technology, and uses fingerprint identification to verify that you are the owner of that data. When making a purchase online that requires identity verification and the merchant blockchain based identity thief a civic partner, you get send a QR code to your phone.

You confirm the information and the data is sent directly between you and the merchant - no 3rd parties, total security. The app allows for secure identity verification for example at blockchain based identity thief, airports, medical institutions, government offices and more.

Background and personal information verification checks may no longer need to be undertaken from the ground up every time a new institution or application requires one. In order to embrace our vision of creating a truly decentralized identity ecosystem we now intend to launch a utility token known as the Civic Token Blockchain based identity thief. Usually when making a credit card payment online, it only undergoes a credit check blockchain based identity thief the credit blockchain based identity thief.

But with civic, the user can monitor all suspicious activity thanks to the cooperation with TransUnion. If a check gets requested that seems to be suspicious, the user gets notified. Users will get a direct notification as soon as any suspicious activity is detected in their account, or when their data is being used for new addresses, public records, delinquent accounts, or general fraud alerts.

Whether you just have a question about the platform or blockchain based identity thief have discovered a fraud, these "identity fraud investigators" will help you find a solution. The funds will be used to cover for lawyers, accountants and investigators in the case. In my opinion, this project has more potential for future growth and it's definitely not too late to invest! Want to get featured on my blog? Register for Steemit Promo.

Don't be nervous men, civic will not eat you just throw a couple of bucks that's what I did I bought few just to ride cause I saw the project and its good in my opinion very useful for the consumer have a look with their website so you lessen your nervous and do your research too. I prefer to risk couple of bucks than to see the price is getting higher. Great overview of Civic. I bought during the ICO. So I switch your phone, or get your fingerprints blockchain based identity thief a different way, let's say from a glas you drank in a bar.

I have your identity. Oh your personal info is encrypted but wide open on the blockchain, this just calls for a brute force attack! I would blockchain based identity thief rather see a fake ID service where I can safely send my drugs to and have plausible deniability.

Do you have a solution for it? Why is that your opinion "feels like", Civic is all bad things? And if I am not understanding it wrong, why you think that? Identity is a very serious thing blockchain based identity thief me too, and I really enjoy learning the ways of it over technology. You don't need to break no chain but if you'd brute force crack somebody's ID you could get a loan or mortage on his name and get away with the funds.

So basically, you need his phone right? This is somehow the same way you steal someones wallet file and then brute force it. Like here on Steem too Either way, I agree that if having an ID like that allows you to just execute those kind of actions, then it can be too much of a risk. Maybe multi-sig is somehow part of a better solution to Civic. Also, having 2-factor authentication finger and eye could help on encryption. Am I understanding what blockchain based identity thief mean correctly?

Hmm yes I understand your concerns, of course I don't know every detail blockchain based identity thief their encryption process but I do think they will have the most advanced tech on their side. Nonetheless, your concerns are definitely understandable and we'll see how civic will cope with these problems in the future!

Well, there are already 16 markets listed on coinmarketcap For sure a good project I have my eyes on it for the last 2 weeks and I think that I will invest in it. I was lucky enough to have put some in just a little bit a few weeks ago, it's hard to say if it will have long term success, as with any altcoin, although some are of course more sure bets than others cough, NEO, cough.

That said, I totally agree privacy is an excellent space to be in, but we never know if another altcoin will take it's place a few months or a year down the road and outshadow Civic. Not saying that WILL happen, blockchain based identity thief just a possibility to be aware of. When I invest in an altcoin and get lucky like I did with Civic, what I'll do is sell a chunk of it but not all.

That way, I won't feel like I missed out if it ends up dropping a day or two later, but if it blockchain based identity thief to go up I'm still "in it" too. Yes you are right there can be always a new project coin who outshadows Civic. I see that you living in Chicago blockchain based identity thief Hamburg cool I was blockchain based identity thief many years ago in Hamburg. As the demand enhances, naturally criminals will focus on targeting online transactions and hence identity theft prevention solutions will become a very hot trend.

It makes perfect sense to eliminate all middleman parties needed to facilitate online transactions since the more parties are involved, more will be the security risk, Civic's blockchain based identity thief, therefore, makes perfect sense.

I, therefore, believe that the coin will grow in value very fast Thanks for this heads up, I had not heard about Civic till I read your blog. Will look at investing. Just throw I'd throw this in vm - if you're looking for some other altcoins with potential to invest in, one that lots of folks haven't heard of yet is Bitquence.

I have zero affiliation with them, I've just seen how they've exploded since coming out in late July. Now they've had a small dip so it might be a good time to get in if you're interested. They've also done this with basically zero marketing, their concept is just a really good one.

In a nutshell they're an easy to use altcoin wallet for blockchain based identity thief newbies. This looks like a decent token with a decent use case. I see so many trading posts with 'coin x has increased in price' with no background, analysis or idea of why it's increased in price! I'll take a closer look at Civic. My only concern is that both parties individual and merchant need to be signed up, so im unsure how big the network will be, but if they sign up some big merchants things should grow pretty quickly.

This post has been ranked within the blockchain based identity thief 10 most undervalued posts in the second half of Aug See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Aug 13 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post. If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment. Looks like a great blockchain product that will get tons of mainstream attention.

I missed the big surge, but got in for a little yesterday. PS sirwinchester I upvoted and resteemed as well - if that's what you meant aaronmda.

Being in the IT security industry for a long time I can tell you first hand this is potentially a game changer. Imagine having your private and personal identity information data secured and encrypted and spread across ONLY one blockchain, as opposed to doing identity verification over and over again on every site you want to do business with.

Civic has the potential to provide a needed service to all of us if they can build the needed partnerships with the big companies on the block. I think they can being that they seemingly have big time investors with the necessary connections on board to forge these relationships. I'm personally rooting for them not only from investment point of view but for my own use and benefit in the future. The most important thing about Civic is the highly reputable Viny Lingham behind it.

He is quite famous for his market comments on Bitcoin and cryptos in general. His price predictions were also fairly accurate in the past. So like with all other business ideas, the most important thing is the team behind the project. And here Civic looks also really good! Upward momentum of the bitcoin price set by SegWit was carried by the rising demand from institutional investors such as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.

This is a perfect example of a technology that separates the plane when it comes to cryptocurrency. There are either a currencies that support a project that actually has real-world use cases, or b currencies that do not have any use cases and are simply money-grabbers.

Civic actually has a great use case that could help so many people across the globe. Technology like this could change the entire security space. While blockchain based identity thief coin like this may not see a huge increase in value anytime soon, this is the type of investment you hold blockchain based identity thief a while, and watch its use unfold across the world.

Identity theft online is a growing threat that shouldn't be underestimated. Monitoring alerts Users will get a direct notification as soon as any suspicious activity is detected in their account, or when their data is being used for new addresses, public records, delinquent accounts, or general fraud alerts. What do you think about the concept of Civic? And who invested in their token already? Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. I am kinda nervous.

What do you think, safe protection or blockchain based identity thief I would never use it like this. Also, how do you brute force a chain database? Yeah strawman, read about how it works: Yes I think so. When I first read it I was like Whaaaaat?

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Blockchain, the secure distributed ledger technology first created to track bitcoin ownership, has taken on a number of new roles in recent years tracking anything of value from diamonds to real estate deeds to contracts. The blockchain offers the promise of a trusted record that can reduce fraud. Some industry experts say that over the coming years, it could be used to control identity information in a more secure fashion.

As we have seen, just last week with the massive Equifax hack , our personal information is highly vulnerable in online databases in their current form.

The argument goes that if our identity were on the blockchain, it would give us more control over this information, and with proper applications allow us to present just the minimum amount of information a given party needs to identify us. That could be your date of birth at a bar, your credit score at a bank or a unique identifier to access an online service.

Of the experts we contacted, only one was fully enthusiastic about blockchain as an identity tool. Jerry Cuomo, IBM Fellow and VP of blockchain technologies, sees blockchain already having a big impact as people demand more control of their identities.

He says that we are constantly being asked to share personal information to access places or information or to do business with companies — and that each of these actions puts us at risk for identity theft. He believes the solution to this problem could lie on the blockchain. This is self-sovereign identity, and it is already here. Blockchain is the underlying technology paving the path to self-sovereign identity through decentralized networks.

It sounds pretty good to hear Cuomo describe it, yet not everyone is enthusiastic as he is, seeing many obstacles to using the blockchain for identity purposes. Steve Wilson, an analyst at Constellation Research, who has studied the blockchain extensively has serious reservations about it as an identity management system.

Blockchains were designed to solve problems quite different from identity management IDM. We need to remember that the classic blockchain is an elaborate system that allows total strangers to nevertheless exchange real value reliably. It works without identity and without trust. Then there are those who fall somewhere in the middle.

He envisions a similar set of use cases as Cuomo, but sees a lot of obstacles that stand in the way of using the blockchain to implement identity management broadly moving forward. Better to ask will use cases emerge that blockchain-related technologies are uniquely qualified to solve.

Likely there will be some. Like any emerging technology, there are going to be a range of opinions on its viability. Using the blockchain as an identity management system is no different. It will probably begin to take on some role over the next five years because the promise is just so great, but how extensive that will be depends on how the industry solves some of the outstanding issues.

No, probably not It sounds pretty good to hear Cuomo describe it, yet not everyone is enthusiastic as he is, seeing many obstacles to using the blockchain for identity purposes.