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Marscoin is an independent open source project. However we are fans of MarsOne and hope to help them achieve their goal in funding the first private mission to and colony on Mars. Just like Bitcoin and Litecoin. Simply download the Marscoin wallet to get started. Mine Marscoin using your computer, send and receive Marscoin to others or buy Marscoin through an exchange.

If you would like to learn more about the technology behind Marscoin, check out Bitcoins. Most people who learn about Bitcoin for the first time think of it as a currency, but the reality is that it's much more than that. At its core, Bitcoin, Marscoin and other cryptocurrencies are a new technology that allows everyone around the world to come to a consensus on who owns what without the use of a centralized third party. There are many different applications that can be built on top of this technology, and like Mars coin bitcoin, Marscoin would only be the first of many apps to come.

When you forget about Bitcoin and just look at the technology, there are a large number of new possibilities that jump out at you. For example, if you can have a decentralized ledger that explains who owns which asset, then why do we need centralized stock exchanges? If we can have mars coin bitcoin global consensus on who owns which domain name or email address, then why do we need centralized versions of these services?

If it's possible to mars coin bitcoin a global marketplace where buyers and sellers can mars coin bitcoin each other in a decentralized manner, then why do we need to use eBay? These are just a few of the possibilities that people are looking at right now when it comes to taking the technology behind Bitcoin and applying it to more than just payments.

On a planet where in all likelihood our first colonies are run by cutting edge technology paper money and city hall will be replaced quite naturally and more efficiently by a blockchain technology like Marscoin.

If Bitcoin makes mars coin bitcoin on Earth, Marscoin makes even more sense on Mars. If we make it to Mars there is a high probability that our economic and financial system will be built on a revolutionary frictionless and distributed wealth ledger protocol like Bitcoin.

However, using Bitcoin directly on Mars will not work: Bitcoin depends on energy-demanding specialized hardware to process transactions. Also, Bitcoin's confirmation delay of 10 minutes per block is too long for a young cryptocurrency on Mars - miners on Earth could interfer with their tremendous hashing speed and even if that does not pose a problem, mars coin bitcoin for block confirmations from distant Earth is even less desirable - in particular because an internet connection even at the speed of light between these two planets will be too delayed to ever work in real-time.

Thus, transferring another existing cryptocurrency blockchain like Litecoin to Mars would be possible, but by creating a dedicated altcoin for that particular purpose mars coin bitcoin are able to initially boost the very non-profit organizations and projects that are dedicated in organizing the installation of the first Martian colony: Marscoin at once becomes the fuel to bootstrap the colony mars coin bitcoin is designed to be optimized for a young Martian economy where power-consumption and frequent confirmations are ideal to support a new planetary financial system.

You are encouraged to do that as well! The benefit of Marscoin is that we can use Marscoin for real world transactions while at the same time indirectly contributing to space exploration. MarsOne's mission roadmap targets the year for the first crew departure. Elon Musk's Spacex plans to colonize Mars in the mid s. Marscoin could be officially forked and transfered to Mars at that time only depending on the popularity of Marscoin in the international Mars community and one single volunteer among the first batch of colonists to mars coin bitcoin the ledger and install a simple Marscoin node on a server on Mars.

If Marscoin does get established on Mars, mining would continue on Mars, on a colony sponsored server thus building the foundation for a developing Martian industry and economy. While initially limited in usefulness and perhaps only as database for transactions between a few individuals, Marscoin on Mars will quickly become the de-facto standard of value transfer for early colonists as they organize themselves and transact among each other.

Capital allocation, financial services and exchange of value will be fast and frictionless on Mars without the need of a complicated legacy banking system like mars coin bitcoin Earth.

In addition, an "interplanetary coin" with very long confirmation blocks of hours could allow an exchange of wealth between a departing colonist on Earth and his ability to withdraw and access his wealth on Mars. It is actually much easier for us today to go to Mars than it was in to decide to go to the moon! Please check out these great resources to get an idea of how far we have come mars coin bitcoin why building a base on Mars is a challenge our generation should seriously contemplate: How can this work?

Lily Allen's k Bitcoin invitation for a concert in would pay for a Falcon Heavy Rocket launch a mere 4 years later. At a time were Bitcoin itself is still compared to "email in " and MarsOne's attempts to mars coin bitcoin Mars exploration privately receive harsh criticism, we know that many will think of Marscoin as a scam and not "the idea for facebook in ".

However to us, the initial developers and space enthusiasts behind this project, Marscoin is a serious effort to mars coin bitcoin space exploration privately. Marscoin's launch in January was open to the public. Since then, thousands of miners have helped spread the Marscoin network and mine 28 Mio Marscoin as of December of which the community donated k to MarsOne.

Mars coin bitcoin are spread out much more fairly and equally than Bitcoin or Litecoin's wealth. Marscoin is still in its infancy, though launched mid January of If Marscoin succeeds there will be Millionaires on Mars that have yet not even heard of Marscoin. Even if, how do you know mars coin bitcoin Marscoin will be the currency?

If we assume that no central bank will start printing money on Mars anytime soon but the necessity to exchange value and assets on Mars mars coin bitcoin spring up relatively quickly it seems that an electronic currency like Bitcoin could fill the gap easily. This will probably not be Bitcoin itself, as the distance from Earth prevents connecting to it and the Bitcoin protocol requires too much power a scarce commodity in the early colony for transaction verifications.

Thus, a cryptocurreny like Mars coin bitcoin will probably be the preferred choice. Like Bitcoin though, if enough people mars coin bitcoin Marscoin - including the mars coin bitcoin "Marstronauts" there will be a natural tendency to install the very currency that the early adopters and space mars coin bitcoin have mars coin bitcoin invested in and so the most likely choice will be a continuation of Marscoin - on the red planet.

This could lead to a similar network effect that makes Bitcoin spread and grow. That is a really good point. It is pretty clear that in the very beginning, between the first few colonists we will see barter and voluntary sharing. However, soon thereafter, some form of trade will have to take place. Both the Mars Society, Mars One and SpaceX are planning on sending a constant stream of colonists to Mars, so the size of the settlement s would grow continuously.

Here is a great quote that makes a case for why trade will spring up quite naturally and quickly: It is difficult to know very many people well enough to love them. Love can provide cooperation on complicated things among very small groups of people, such as families. It also works among large numbers of people for very simple ends—ends so simple that many different people can completely agree on them.

But for a complicated end involving a large number of people—producing this book, for instance—love will not work. I cannot expect all the people whose cooperation I need—typesetters, editors, bookstore owners, loggers, pulpmill workers, and a thousand more—to know and love me well enough to want to publish this book for my sake Nor can I expect them all to be people who want to mars coin bitcoin the book and who therefore are willing to help produce it.

I fall back on the second method: I contribute the time and effort to produce the manuscript. I get, in exchange The people who want to read the book get the book.

In exchange, they give money. The publishing firm and its employees, the editors, give the time, effort, and skill necessary to coordinate the rest of us; they get money and reputation. Loggers, printers, and the like give their effort and skill and get money in return. Thousands of people, perhaps millions, cooperate in a single task, each seeking his own ends.

Where it is not, trade is used instead. The best way to find out is to actually experience it yourself! If you are new to cryptocurrencies, checkout coinbase.

Transfer some of them to your mobile phone or buy things online. You will see quickly how efficient, fast and secure cryptocurrencies are. Marscoin is mars coin bitcoin different. In on Mars the early colonists and settlers just need to run a small program on one of their computers a so called "node" that will the Marscoin network on Mars to be immediately functional.

Now, anyone that runs his own private password protected copy of a Marscoin wallet on Mars can participate in transactions between individuals or groups of individuals. Download the Marscoin program or direct your dedicated miner mars coin bitcoin the Marscoin network.

If you have mars coin bitcoin Bitcoin and especially Litecoin in the past, you can apply the same rules to Marscoin mining. Because this transaction verification happens mars coin bitcoin a decentralized network, no bank is necessary. For the computing power submitted "miners" receive a reward. The issuance of Marscoin is algorithmically limited, like Bitcoin, and will reduce over time, allowing the currency to truly reflect the economy's true value creation.

Download a Marscoin wallet, buy Marscoin on an exchange or mine Marscoin. Then, using your online or offline Marscoin wallet send Marscoin to your friends or store Mars coin bitcoin for your grandchildren on Mars.

And yes, we bought a lot of those boring company caps Elon, if you read this, thanks for all your efforts for getting us to Mars. Join our developer team, spread the word, invest in Marscoin and just in general think of ways how you can help building a Martian economy here on Earth before the Marscoin infrastructure is transfered to the new colony.

All your existing addresses and value stored will continue on Mars. The fact that there is only a limited amount of time before the Marscoin blockchain gets transfered will create a time-scarcity that should help fund the project and reward those first investors and visionaries who support mars coin bitcoin project and thus help fund a new branch of human civilization. For those who do not want their value to stay on Mars and increase over time, they can transfer their Marscoins at any time into any mars coin bitcoin cryptocurrency or fiat at mars coin bitcoin of the big exchanges.

Young altcoins are often faced with "strip mining" mining pools that mine with huge amounts of hashing equipment only to dump the coins at the next best chance mars coin bitcoin drive the coins value into the ground. Marscoin was no acception as the long term price charts reveal and suffered volatile fluctuations because of this.

However, the latest Marscoin code includes the Dark Gravity Wave retargeting algorithm that prevents such attacks and protects the network - and thus the value of investment from such practices.

Click here to find out how to buy some Marscoins. Colonizing Mars from Deepspeed media on Vimeo. Marscoin Home How does it work? FAQ Answers to frequently asked mars coin bitcoin. Is the Marscoin project affiliated with MarsOne? How does Marscoin work? What makes a cryptocurrency like Marscoin so special? More Why another altcoin?

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