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Error message "Error Response Invalid signature" on blockchain. NeedChangeNow on August 04, Moebius on August 03, If you accidentally multibit invalid bitcoin address organizational chart the email with the attached. Both blockchain's website and multibit are telling me to enter a password which is apparently not the pin code I used with Blockhain's app on my phone so I don't know what it's supposed to be. I don't remember needing a password when setting up the app, only the pin code.

I'm waiting on a response from support. If I ever get the coins back I'll still give you something since you made the effort to try.

If anyone knows a solution, the. I'm upping the ante since I still haven't been able to figure this out, nor have I received a response from the developers I can't send anyone anything until I can get the btc out of this wallet. NeedChangeNow on August 05, Are you sure you didn't enter any password when creating the wallet on your phone? If so, there should be no problem using your wallet with multibit.

If you chose the "Backup wallet" option from the app, do you get the popup about "Your encrypted wallet Moebius on August 05, Since the pin code works with the app on my phone, I have no idea what the "other" password might be if there is indeed another password. Is there any way to check? I've never spent any multibit invalid bitcoin address organizational chart from this wallet so the only time I used it was when I set it up over a month ago and multibit invalid bitcoin address organizational chart the initial btc to the wallet.

It was only until I tried using some of the btc the other day that I discovered that the application would not allow for me to send my funds because of this "Error Response Invalid signature" which is why I'm trying so hard to figure this out now.

Upping ante again to. Seems like I'm going to have to give away every satoshi in the wallet to get it fixed but if it can help everyone else who has this problem then I don't mind paying for it. NeedChangeNow on August 07, The only way to "fix" this if support fixes it for you, multibit invalid bitcoin address organizational chart you brute force the wallet password.

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Sometimes when sending bitcoin the transaction fails to be relayed causing an incorrect balance to be shown. The relay failure usually appears when the "seen by 1 peer" message never increases. Normally peers relay quickly so if no peers have acknowledged in more than a minute then there is very likely to be a problem with the transaction. If the peers are relaying and the balance is still not correct then you should review the "Spendable" article.

You may just need to wait for a few minutes for a confirmation to take place. Since the problem is most likely caused by an earlier transaction which could be any transaction you have ever received it is necessary to perform a full reset of the block chain for your wallet. Some people have found that it takes several resets before a failed transaction is fully purged. It is worth attempting at least 3 times to clear it.

As a last resort you can attempt to "sweep the balance". This involves exporting your private keys without password protection into another wallet application and then using that application to send the entire balance back to MultiBit Classic using a fresh wallet.

We consider this a last resort because private keys stored without password protection should be considered compromised. Malicious code on your computer could steal or copy the keys and spend the balance. If you decide that this must be done then make sure that you don't use the private keys and their associated addresses again.

That way if someone does happen to send bitcoin to them you still have the private keys to sweep the funds into a safe wallet. Back to Table of Contents Balance is incorrect Sometimes when sending bitcoin the transaction fails to be relayed causing an incorrect balance to be shown. It is extremely unlikely that you have lost your bitcoins.

It's not relaying - what should I do? Verify that your computer's clock is showing the correct time. Open MultiBit Classic and make sure the wallet you are interested in is selected in the 'Wallets' side panel. Go the 'Tools Reset Block chain and Transactions' menu option. Click the 'Reset block chain and transactions' button. MultiBit Classic will start reloading the block chain.

This can take some time. Just let it run and download the block chain. When it is finished, your wallet should reflect what is on the block chain. I've tried and tried and I need to clear this As a last resort you can attempt to "sweep the balance". OK I understand the risks - what do I do?