September 11th Hijackers Fast Facts

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On September 11,19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. On September 11,at 8: The impact left a gaping, burning hole near the 80th floor of the story skyscraper, instantly killing hundreds of people and trapping hundreds more in higher floors.

As the evacuation of the tower and its twin got underway, television cameras broadcasted live images of what initially appeared to be a freak accident. Then, 18 minutes after the first plane hit, a second Boeing —United Airlines Flight —appeared out of the sky, turned sharply toward the World Trade Center and sliced into the south tower near the 60th floor. The collision caused a massive explosion that showered burning debris over surrounding buildings and onto the streets below.

It immediately became clear that America was under attack. The attackers were Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia and several other Arab nations. Some of the terrorists had lived in the United States for more than a year and had taken flying lessons at American commercial flight schools. The 19 terrorists easily smuggled box-cutters and knives through security at three East Coast airports and boarded four early-morning flights bound for California world trade center attacked by hijacked planes, chosen because the planes were loaded with fuel for the long transcontinental journey.

Soon after takeoff, the terrorists commandeered the four planes and took the controls, transforming ordinary passenger jets into guided missiles.

Jet fuel from the Boeing caused a devastating inferno that led to the structural collapse of a portion of the giant concrete building, which is the headquarters of the U. All told, military personnel and civilians were killed in the Pentagon, along with all 64 people aboard the airliner.

Less than 15 minutes after the terrorists struck the nerve center of the U. The structural steel of the skyscraper, built to withstand winds in excess of miles per hour and a large conventional fire, could not withstand the tremendous heat generated by the burning jet fuel. Only six people in the World Trade Center towers at the time of their collapse survived. Almost 10, others were treated for injuries, many severe.

Because the plane had been delayed in taking off, passengers on board learned of events in New York and Washington via cell phone and Airfone calls to the ground. Knowing that the aircraft was not returning to an airport as the hijackers claimed, a group of passengers and flight attendants planned an insurrection.

One of the passengers, Thomas Burnett, Jr. I love you, honey. Sandy Bradshaw, a flight attendant, called her husband and explained that she had slipped into a galley and was filling pitchers with boiling water.

The passengers fought the four hijackers and are suspected to have attacked the cockpit with a fire extinguisher. The plane then flipped over and sped toward the ground at upwards of miles per hour, crashing in a rural field near Shanksville in western Pennsylvania at All 44 people aboard were killed. Its intended target is world trade center attacked by hijacked planes known, but theories include the White Housethe U. Capitol, the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland or one of several nuclear power plants along the eastern seaboard.

At the World Trade Center, 2, died after the two planes slammed into the twin towers. That figure includes firefighters and paramedics, 23 New York City police officers and 37 Port Authority police officers who were struggling to complete an evacuation of the buildings and save the office workers trapped on higher floors. At the Pentagon, people were killed, including 64 on American Airlines Flight 77, the airliner that struck the building. On Flight 9344 people died when the plane crash-landed in Pennsylvania.

Bushwho was in Florida at the time of the attacks and had spent the day being shuttled around the country because of security concerns, returned to the White House. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. In a reference to the eventual U.

Within two months, U. Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind world trade center attacked by hijacked planes September 11th attacks, remained at large until May 2,when he was finally tracked down and killed by U.

In JunePresident Barack Obama announced the beginning of large-scale troop withdrawals from Afghanistan. September 11th Terror Attacks Fast Facts. Start your free trial today. You will soon receive an activation email. Once you click on the link, you will be added to our list. If you do not receive this email, please contact us. To ensure delivery to world trade center attacked by hijacked planes inbox, add us to your address book.

At this time we are unable to complete your subscription. If you completed your subscription and still have not received an email, please contact us. You will soon receive an email with a direct link to your profile, where you can update your preferences. World trade center attacked by hijacked planes On September 11,19 militants associated world trade center attacked by hijacked planes the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States.

Fifteen Septembers Later 3min. World Trade Center On September 11,at 8: Twin Towers Collapse Less than 15 minutes after the terrorists struck the nerve center of the U. America Responds At 7 p. We know you love history.

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The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. They were followed by three hijacker-pilots, Mohamed Atta , Marwan al-Shehhi , and Ziad Jarrah in mid to undertake flight training in south Florida. The rest of the "muscle hijackers" arrived in early- and mid Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi were both experienced and respected jihadists in the eyes of al-Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden. As for the pilots who would go on to participate in the attacks, three of them were original members of the Hamburg cell Mohamed Atta , Marwan al-Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah.

Following their training at Al-Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan , they were chosen by Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda's military wing due to their extensive knowledge of western culture and language skills, increasing the mission's operational security and its chances for success. The fourth intended pilot, Ramzi bin al-Shibh , a member of the Hamburg cell, was also chosen to participate in the attacks yet was unable to obtain a visa for entry into the United States.

He was later replaced by Hani Hanjour , a Saudi national. Mihdhar and Hazmi were also potential pilot hijackers, but did not do well in their initial pilot lessons in San Diego.

Both were kept on as "muscle" hijackers, who would help overpower the passengers and crew and allow the pilot hijackers to take control of the flights. In addition to Mihdhar and Hazmi, thirteen other muscle hijackers were selected in late or early Two flight attendants called the American Airlines reservation desk during the hijacking.

Betty Ong reported that "the five hijackers had come from first-class seats: Mohamed Atta's voice was heard over the air traffic control system, broadcasting messages thought to be intended for the passengers. Everything will be okay. If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane.

A United Airlines mechanic was called by a flight attendant who stated the crew had been murdered and the plane hijacked. She said her flight was being hijacked by six individuals who had moved them to the rear of the plane.

Unlike the other flights, there was no report of stabbings or bomb threats. One of the hijackers, most likely Hanjour, announced on the intercom that the flight had been hijacked. Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. Passenger Jeremy Glick stated that the hijackers were Arabic-looking, wearing red headbands, and carrying knives. Spoken messages from Ziad Jarrah intended for passengers were broadcast over the air traffic control system, presumably by mistake:.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain. Keep remaining sitting sic. We have a bomb on board. Uh, this is the captain. Would like you all to remain seated. There is a bomb on board and are going back to the airport and to have our demands met.

Jarrah is also heard on the cockpit voice recorder. Wright was part of the Bureau's Chicago counter-terrorism task force and involved in project Vulgar Betrayal, which was linked to Yasin al-Qadi. According to James Bamford, the NSA had picked up communications of al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi back in , but had been hampered by internal bureaucratic conflicts between itself and the CIA and did not do a full analysis of the information it passed on to the agency. For example, it only passed on the first names, Nawaf and Khalid.

Miller asked his associate Mark Rossini for advice; Rossini pressed Wilshire's deputy but was rebuffed also. Bamford also claims that al-Mihdhar and Hazmi wound up living with Abdussattar Shaikh for a time to save money. Shaikh was, coincidentally, an FBI informant, but since they never acted suspiciously around him, he never reported them. None of this information made it back to the FBI headquarters. The suspects were identified within 72 hours because few made any attempt to disguise their names on flight and credit card records.

The passport of Satam al-Suqami was reportedly recovered "a few blocks from where the World Trade Center's twin towers once stood"; [25] [26] a passerby picked it up and gave it to a NYPD detective shortly before the towers collapsed.

The passports of two other hijackers, Ziad Jarrah and Saeed al-Ghamdi, were recovered from the crash site of United Airlines Flight 93 in Pennsylvania, and a fourth passport, that of Abdulaziz al-Omari was recovered from luggage that did not make it onto American Airlines Flight In the end, the FBI reported that there were 19 hijackers in all: On September 14, three days after the attacks, the FBI announced the names of 19 persons.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. American Airlines Flight Mohamed Atta at Mohamed Atta's first announcement, heard by ATC at United Airlines Flight First mayday call by First Officer Leroy Homer at Second mayday call by First Officer Leroy Homer at Attempts to communicate with Flight 93 — after 9: September 11 attacks portal. Archived from the original on Voices from the doomed planes". Archived from the original on August 16, Archived from the original on May 23, Forty lives, one destiny".

Archived from the original on 12 October Retrieved July 2, Attacks Were Not in the U. Hijackers in the September 11 attacks. Book Category Portal WikiProject. Retrieved from " https: Webarchive template wayback links Articles with hAudio microformats All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September Articles containing video clips. Views Read Edit View history.

In other projects Wikimedia Commons. This page was last edited on 26 April , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Problems playing this file?

Problems playing these files? These guys clearly are bad. One of them, at least, has a multiple-entry visa to the U. We've got to tell the FBI.