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As you probably know taxes are not an easy topic. When it comes to novelties like cryptocurrencies, taxes becomes even more difficult. Therefore it is impossible to write general article "How to do taxes Nevertheless, I have recognized that if Steem Community want to grow quickly, we need a professional opinion. So I have asked well known and respected lawyer from Cyberlaw. Article is for people who lives in Poland, therefore it is written in Polish.
But if you like this idea or maybe you think that something similar should be written about your jurisdiction, you are welcomed to comment, upvote and resteem this article: W ramach sieci Steem powstaje 1 nowy blok co 3 sekundy.
Nie zarabiasz na blogu. Prowadzisz bloga o fretkach, ale nie sprzedajesz koszulek. Tutaj wracamy do punktu 1. Przy wymianie walut wirtualnych jest albo zwolnienie albo nie podlega taka transakcja opodatkowaniu podatkiem VAT. Wpis ma charakter edukacyjny. Zastanawia mnie tylko jedno. Dlaczego w wiekszosci przypadkow rozpatrywana jest dzialalnosc gospodarcza. Zostawiam followa i bitcoin jak kupic gre Ale zeby bitcoin jak kupic gre nikt do nas nie przyczepil to trzeba sie z tym niewygodnmy temat zajac.
Dzieki za wstepny dostep do informacji. Your post will be Resteemed by dropahead witness account of the dropAhead curation team! Upvote the dropAhead's latest post! Would be amazing to having something like this for USA, tax system is already confusing enough. Adding crypto to your yearly taxes bitcoin jak kupic gre another headache.
It is very interesting how everything happens in a civilized country. I live bitcoin jak kupic gre Ukraine and taxes are rarely paid here. From this and this level of life we have. Very cool, I had the same idea to seek a professional opinion and post in on Steem, but I haven't even bitcoin jak kupic gre to research the cost. Governments need to rethink taxation, personal income tax is becoming obsolete. The best tax I could think of at the moment is Land Value Tax if they want to create a tax that's unavoidable.
Taxes are morally wrong. Its a bad legacy just like slavery. Any attempt to disscuss taxes is wrong. Hello, I'm very good Venezuelan your publication on the taxes you can give me your vote in my post, greetings. Very good article upvoted Feel free to see my post on how steemit will benefit the rich and broke-and send in your thoughts. Follow en vot me imranroza https: Tylko ja to nie mam sie z czego rozliczyc': Ale jak wielorybem zostane to z przyjemnos'cia' sie krylem podziele: Article is for people which lives in Poland, therefore it is written in Polish.
Taxes" by Beata Marek from Cyberlaw. Wariant 3 Prowadzisz bloga o fretkach, ale nie sprzedajesz koszulek. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Upvoted on behalf of the dropAhead Curation Team! Watch out for the xx-votesplus tag! Do you want more earnings? Keep up the good work! Thanks for keeping everyone updated on regional law, thats why this community is so bitcoin jak kupic gre. Can someone write something like this for USA taxes?
Fortunately, when I paid for that Could anybody translate it into english? Great interest in it. Translating the article in English would have bitcoin jak kupic gre a great idea Thanks for posting.