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The market-depth tag has no usage guidance. Questions Tags Bitcoin market depth how to use Badges Unanswered. Tagged Questions info newest frequent votes active unanswered.
Learn more… Top users Synonyms. For a dummy scenario: Richard Hall 1 1. What is the failure mode for a take-profit order on the exchanges? This is a general question about strategy around take-profit orders and depth. Take-profit orders on Whaleclub are guaranteed to execute at the price you set as long as the I noticed that there is a difference in the appearance of the order books among different exchanges.
Bitcoin market depth how to use these times, the buy and Daniel R 1 Where can I find market volume data with greater resolution than 24hr periods? I have scraper that pulls data from coinmarketcap for all coins for all historic periods down to 15min intervals however, the only volume info available is 24hr volume. Does anyone know if it's Creating a subscription request message such as: Jonathan Shore 5.
Data for market depth over time? How the BTC-e could dive to points from and the recover back to At around How is it possible bitcoin market depth how to use all? And even after such a big dip, how did the market recover and Uday Sawant 1 6. What is the most reliable way to calculate the amount of fiat value that has been transferred into the bitcoin economy?
I would like to bitcoin market depth how to use what are the most sophisticated ways to estimate the amount of bitcoin that has been bought globally with various fiat currencies. Exchange data bitcoin market depth how to use only one source, and may well Market Depth Price on Mt. Gox streaming API has a market depth channel.
What is the "price" value given in that channel, and what does it represent? Chris Smith 2. Negative volumes returned from MtGox websocket api request I am using MtGox's websocket api to construct an order book. The trouble I'm having is that every once in a while, the depth event will return an JSON object with negative volume and negatie Loourr 2, 4 11 Keeping consistent market depth using Mt. Gox API to keep an up-to-date consistent view of their market depth.
My current approach is as follows: Connect WebSocket and subscribe to depth updates Placing price bounds on MtGox market depth api request I'm making an order book for MtGox, but the market depth file is huge and I'm really only interested in values near the inside prices. Is it possible to place price bounds on the mtgox market depth Suppose the following trades happen Trade 1: CHI Coder 6, 8 41 Excuse me if this is a stupid question, but does mtgox have an option to see market depth?
Is it available publically? Would be useful if you were making a bot. ACyclic 2 7. Bitcoin Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled.