Beginner’s Guide to Bitcoin Trading Bots

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BitJohn on October 12, I understand Johns position, but he is underestimating these issues and thinks people will not notice or he can just skim over it with some PR maneuvers makeitsnappy I have lost lots of opportunities I even bitcoin trading bot mxcnow tyot lost coins but my dumb ass still comes back for more So if you are paying out How about raising the minimum trade amount, people have been asking for that for a long time BitJohn: Shit it is almost done.

We appreciate your bitcoin trading bot mxcnow tyot. Glad to hear the new hardware is coming along! P But I know the risks. And really see all this as one huge experiment. I am just happy to be part of something that might turn out to be pretty damn nice: If you never traded it its impossible for you to get negative balance BitJohn: I have been here from the beginning.

I have bitcoin trading bot mxcnow tyot donr this for fun. I was prob one of the first 50 complaints in the support tab makeitsnappy I never bought starcoin, but I am still suffering from your poor choices of coin additions makeitsnappy I think bitcoin trading bot mxcnow tyot are frustrated BitJohn: This time try looking for how you might possibly culpable rather bitcoin trading bot mxcnow tyot instantly refractory with me.

Starcoins failure had nothing to do with the ifc negative balances 8k5yw When did i say that? Remember when i asked you bout the guy complaining of not being able to buy 30 seconds after you banned me That one pperson had an error that lasted 5 minutes. Dont believe he had a negative balance even BitJohn: So why are you here and not a true millionaire?? Yes becasue he had a starcoin reversal that froze his account 1 user Stephen: Currently cryptsy has lots of coins.

If you don't like it, well, that is the way it is anyways BitJohn: Mullick is new to support and only vern knows the whole algorithm but I can tell you Mullick doesnt know much about it yet as its a cryptsy secret BitJohn: That bitcoin trading bot mxcnow tyot bad mine is around 30 gnode: I think neg trust is coin bitcoin trading bot mxcnow tyot NTC neg trust coin! Days to fix them?

Expert wiseman, please tell us when it is bitcoin trading bot mxcnow tyot or pump and dump gnode: Gee you finally back from that your birthday bash, what did that last a month??

That is even better HFP a new innovative coin Mullick: In addition you are facilitating an environment of insider trading and fraud know it or not. Ye I understand very well, but it seems it is always some one else's fault If thats your stance the same can be said about any exchange.

We may have more failures but btc as a whole is open to insider trading BitJohn: I understand John how many times you gonna tell me the same damn thing. I know I am dense sometimes but shesh ok you dont have control over the coin issues I get it If people would buy their coins with the intent of keeping them longer-term, say years, then Long and short of the fucking story What the fuck you gonna do about it?

Tool - jimmy is now playing. I got stuck on football Mullick: I got stuck on football Jagrapolite: And I am waiting on a secret pump BitJohn: Past alts had to grow past this point on its own merit, now you give it instarep by adding it.

Its a systematic pump and dump operation. Ok, I see, I agree, in that case, no point in adding them BitJohn: People want to trade coins we give them the opportunity is all BitJohn: Enjoy slanging your crack while it lasts John. I like the ability to buy just about any crypto saafely and not thru a sketchy trade by google docs. Ok I know we are talking coin but this last batch of weed that I got is really good. However, no one is making you bitcoin trading bot mxcnow tyot anyone else buy them.

Do some homework when buying. I dont like many I trade pretty much in the coins I just listed and dabble in others 8k5yw I looked at the xpm thread, but did not see any mention of block rewards, but bitcoin trading bot mxcnow tyot there is no limit to the number of coins.

The fact the coins are being released slowly, is this true? The block reward halves on scale with every 16x the network dfficulty 8k5yw The faster mining hardware gets the smallert the block reward is. There is no hard cap BitJohn: P and lots of them 8k5yw In fact, I tried to download ppcon wallet, and it was infected BitJohn: Im a sunny fan lol Mullick: Some like it some dont. It open to opinion.

I dont like the early adopter advantage it gives becasue the difficulty is so low but i like the concept BitJohn: Oh he just opened the flood gates. You forgot frk, we are red white and blue: I was raised french and english in canada, and I support red white and blue too Franko Man, that is amazing, it will give the ability to freely move coins between servers.

As if they are an extension of each other. There was bitcoin trading bot mxcnow tyot people who tried to invent cars that run on water; but the gas companies showed them a thing or two Franko I dont like a coin that has a lot mined up front. I reason that people who are worried about coins with lots of coins early on, fail to realize that other coins end up with large coin-holders anyways, so there is no difference its just a redistribution of wealth is all.

I have put my idea out there bitcoin trading bot mxcnow tyot he coin makers but no one wants to try it 8k5yw I won't name any coin to be taken off 8k5yw Whens Maples going to added here?

I don't hate any coins, i hate the lack of planning involved in stacking them all together in a room to sell before they have matured to handle it.

This is an altcoin slaughterhouse. And additionally before your exchange can handle it I mean private chat BitJohn: I am afraid of it bloating my laptop and slowing it down.

Keep up the good work! I can make the valid conclusion that as you add more coins you are spending less time maintaining what is already here.

You are after all one person. Is Vern on that skype thingy? Just wait and see what happens as bitcoin gets more companies and trading on stock exchanges, and see these coins fly BitJohn: Here we go again You are catering to gambling addicts, and parasites that want nothing but to take resources from the alternate coin community.

That is not a personal attack that is an observation of your company's business strategy. Exploiting the worst in humanity for profit at the expense of forward movement of cryptocurrency. I am heading to bed JudeAustin: No dreaming about techshare.

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