Estonia’s LHV Bank: ‘The Bitcoin Blockchain is the Most Tested and Secure for Our Applications’

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ForkLog continues exploring cryptocurrency worlds of different countries. Today we decided to explore one of the Baltic states, Estonia. There are not too many news concerning blockchain and cryptocurrencies coming from Estonia; however, the country has its own bitcoin community as well as businesses supporting new technologies and banks taking bitcoin seriously.

Lhv bank blockchain bitcoins those events could not pass unnoticed. Denis Kudryashov and Alexei Galkinfounders of Decrypto, answered our questions. There are not too many bitcoin companies in Estonia. Additionally, there are some companies lhv bank blockchain bitcoins Estonia that accept bitcoin payments. Estonian authorities have had no pronounced opinion in this regard yet.

Process regulation is carried out on order level. For instance, LHV is very interested in bitcoin and actively works on it and blockchain technology, while another bank, SEB Bank, is very negative. It is caused by lack of information as to the technology, and the fact that it is new and a bit hard to understand. We are members thereof. There lhv bank blockchain bitcoins very few bitcoin-related education programs and forums in Estonia.

However, a year ago there was big conference CoinFest A few years ago government institutions determined bitcoin at their own lhv bank blockchain bitcoins. Bitcoin is considered an alternative means of payment, so some serious requirements are applicable. As for taxes, neither VAT, nor capital gain taxes, nor revenue taxes for companies are applicable. What is your opinion in this regard? Segregated Witness, however, is capable of increasing throughput.

Additionally, Segregated Witness has additional tools to improve the network. Ethereum is also in the headlines these days. Do you think, its price upsurge is natural, or the growth was artificially caused?

We think both reasons are there. Ethereum team is doing a great job in developing and promoting their product. These are reasons for normal and natural growth. We never went into details. All our efforts are focused on training and popularization of cryptocurrency in general in Estonia. Ethereum is still very hard to understand for a regular user.

Additionally, we intend to create a series of educative videos.

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