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Metal Tiger plc LON: Technical highlights in respect of the T3 Deposit including the pre-feasibility study programme, progress and drilling updates are provided below. In addition, we would refer to the announcement released today by MOD Resources which contains images and diagrams that may assist readers in an understanding of the project licences and the reported infill drill collar locations.
This announcement can be viewed through the following link:. Drilling recommenced with two diamond and one RC rigs tasked with gathering data for constituent studies including Resource Extensions, Hydrological and Geotechnical studies search result fortrading botswana additional Metallurgical testing.
Whilst the core technical team is focussed search result fortrading botswana delivering the T3 PFS, we do not lose sight of the significant upside search result fortrading botswana is represented by our licence holding over the remainder of the prospective T3 Dome.
We believe that the T3 Deposit may potentially form part of a much larger sediment hosted copper footprint in the Kalahari Copper Belt. To this end the joint venture continues to invest in geochemical sampling, geophysics and follow-up investigation work in our wider licence holding. Cognisant that the remainder of the T3 Dome landholding, and the wider licence portfolio have the potential for hosting search result fortrading botswana T3 type deposits. As such, we look forward to the prospect of announcing further, encouraging, progress reports in the near future.
This intersection is considered encouraging given the size of this as-yet poorly defined anomaly and the occurrence of veining and bornite within the host sequence. Drilling is expected to resume when results from the 3D IP survey are available. MOD outline details of the current exploration procedures being employed on the project Search result fortrading botswana Table 1in their news release dated 10 January For further information on the Company, visit: In Spain Metal Tiger the Company has tungsten and gold interests in the highly mineralised Extremadura region.
In Thailand Metal Tiger has expanding interests over licences, applications and critical historical data covering antimony, copper, gold, silver, lead and zinc opportunities.
The Company has access to a diverse pipeline of new opportunities focused on the natural resource sector including physical resource projects, new natural resource centred technologies and resource sector related fintech opportunities. Metal Tiger also has an Asset Trading Division that holds various financial instruments for trading purposes including equities, warrants and royalty income. January 10, This announcement can be viewed through the following link: The T3 Deposit Prefeasibility Study work has started.
Drilling recommenced 7 Januarywith two diamond core rigs and one reverse circulation drilling rig in operation for the various T3 Prefeasibility Study related work streams. In the wider T3 Project Area an additional 11 drilling targets have been identified within the km2 T3 Dome exploration area. Extensive soil geochemistry programme circa 11, samples is currently underway, targeting the 60km strike of the T3 Dome structure. Three-dimensional Induced Polarisation 3D IP geophysics survey will commence today at the T3 Deposit, to search result fortrading botswana the mineralised host search result fortrading botswana and aid in the identification of additional or deeper drilling targets, along the T3 Dome.
Magnetic geophysics modelling including a 3D Inversion of low altitude, close spaced magnetic data is underway. Resource extension diamond drilling to commence on m sections directly east and west of the planned T3 pit, with 6 holes currently planned. Depending on the success of this infill and extension drilling, further drilling may be carried out on adjacent sections.
Geotechnical drilling at HQ diameter is planned to aid the open pit design. Metallurgical drilling will provide more material for testwork of the three sulphide ore domains.
Hydrogeological Studies are scheduled to commence mid-February, with pump testing for existing and new drill holes planned to investigate potential sources of water for the planned mineral processing treatment plant. Baseline Environmental Studies and the preparation of an Environmental Management Plan will commence shortly.
Continuing Exploration The continuing and planned exploration drilling programme search result fortrading botswana RC drilling will then test a 4km long zone of folding of the target sequence interpreted from magnetics approximately 6km west along strike from T3.
There is no search result fortrading botswana drilling in any of these areas. An additional three RC drilling targets have been identified based on existing untested Cu soil anomalies along the T3 Dome. Diamond core drilling will initially test down search result fortrading botswana for disseminated base metal sulphides galena, sphalerite, pyrite and chalcopyrite intersected within the interpreted T3 host sequence in widely spaced RC drill holes extending up to 2km west of T3, and separately 1km southeast of T3.
Most of these RC holes were drilled in late By analogy with the T3 deposit, although the base metals are unlikely to generate economic grades, they may be a pathfinder for deeper copper mineralisation. T3 IP Anomaly to be tested by further diamond drilling, the approximately m deep IP anomaly is located 1km down-dip of the T3 Deposit.
Assay search result fortrading botswana received recently for the second diamond drill hole MO-3RD previously MO-T3UD to test this target were encouraging with disseminated and narrow vein hosted chalcocite and bornite mineralisation intersected: Hole MO-3RD 8m 0. Contacts Metal Tiger plc. Log In Sign Up. Sean Wyndham-Quin Neil Baldwin. Nick Emerson Andy Search result fortrading botswana. SI Capital Sole Broker.