Litecoin Price Chart US Dollar (LTC/USD)

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Market is in the process of showing you exactly what the price can go to, and when. LTC has been around much longer than say, Ethereum. Millions of dollars flow each day through both LTC and Ethereum markets. However, some crypto owners value LTC over Ethereum, and vice versa for others.

You bet it is. You need to look no further than BTC to see proof that this can happen whose market dominance is tanking by the way…. You don t consider market cap in your analysis, do you? And by the way: You can only do what you do. Then of course it went to But the trick is I did what I did with the best information I had at the time.

People have literally hit more LTC blocks thanks to your efforts. Realizing of course that you could just swap on an exchange. I, unfortunately, got super stuck in another coin with all my investment. Really, your LTC daytrading is funding the project? In a lot of ways litecoin makes a lot of sense for general transactions, I think it has a pretty good future ahead of it….

For some stuff taxes you have to do that, although most parts these days can be gotten from vendors who accept BTC. It just seems totally unfair to me. I might not sell it for a few days to a week or something. Once it blew past I adjusted my prices to reflect the increased value. But there is this weird fairness thing in my head, so I reduce the crypto price to reflect the new value of the coins.

This nailed a lot of people in the stock option days, when people got options, the markets crashed, and they found they owed a lot in taxes on their now-worthless stock.

Eventually people should feel comfortable using coins for normal expenses, hopefully by then the tax and accounting ramifications will become more sane. It took ethereum 7 months or longer to hit Let us see who ends up right. U think ltc will be in Jun… I say no. I heard a rumor on reddit that btc is just using ltc as a test run.

I think btc will go up first then ltc might follow. Here is a scenario for you to consider. You need to look no further than BTC to see proof that this can happen whose market dominance is tanking by the way… Debate is good. You have what, a few thousand dollars that you are gambling on cryptos with? Do the forum a favor. Lose it, and g. I might miss out on the next 3 days: In a lot of ways litecoin makes a lot of sense for general transactions, I think it has a pretty good future ahead of it… As for fixing miners, I do take both LTC and BTC, and some people prefer to pay in one or the other.

I also post on reddit and these forums helping people out!