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We started our Manual trading in Crypto currency and learned many hard lessons in It is very complex industry to average prices in losses and win profit. This market is completely driven by News, Sentiments, Speculation and no intrinsic value of Project or Coins.

Everything in this market was sketchy, driven by raw whitepapers and exchange listings. Integration was smooth and technology was very fast to implement. Our strategies was very simple. We will Avg Out prices.

Book profit in small fraction as well as permissible maximum limit. Now power of News and Sentiment: We started noticing Short position doing cryptocurrency trading bot with profit bottles to us.

Or Short position was open for more time then usual from Sept It was strange for us. Margin position was behaving very strangely with Short Position. Market started behaving with hockey stick Up from Sept Month. Best key learning from EOS Coin movement: But it was much large scale hit to our software. How can something move so fast? Cryptocurrency trading bot with profit bottles technology and margin was not ready to handle it. We started researching on internet and started finding out news and blogs.

We learned hard way: News and Launch of Update has huge price difference in Crypto: It was great time due to market conditions. We use to convert Profit to Coins and keep them in Margin Wallet.

It look as Good strategy. It is only good when Market is rising. On 22 Dec Real big day for all Bots and Manual traders.

We had Double effect of Destruction. We escaped Liquidation by small margins. God we escaped Liquidation by Small Margins. That day we learned 3 Important Lessons. Jan and Feb expansion of our Knowledge and discussion with Manual Traders: We adopted conservative strategies.

Returns have dropped significantly. Handled various bad news coming from Currency, Regulators, Countries and Market. We learned that small traders are leaving market and market volumes are shirking cryptocurrency trading bot with profit bottles. It become more game of large traders and bots.

Position, which use to generally close in 3 Hours with Profit now takes more then 3 days to close with Profit. We never implemented Short strategy.

We sticked to our previous leanings. Major falls made software better in execution but something was missing. We learned cryptocurrency trading bot with profit bottles Unique on 6 Feb Fall. It was very surprising. We started working on understanding Underlining Assets and managing it with Automated Code. Underlining Asset Management with Margin Wallet: As BTC Prices fall.

It will not have deep impact on Margin Wallet Balance. We learned few things from this process. March is still teaching us: BTC pair with Alt-Coins is not rising at all. We are sitting with ZCash position for more then 20 days.

It is not improving due USD polarization happening in Bitcoin. It is combination of Asset Management and Margins Trading. Still we have long way to learn in this universe of Auto Trading. It cryptocurrency trading bot with profit bottles still wild-wild west of Fin-Tech. We are looking forward to discuss with Investors, Innovators, Technologist, Students or anyone who can think beyond Prices and Profit.

Our idea is simple: If you trust in Crypto then Build something which will have everlasting impact on Ownership, Finance and Community. No big Gyan" Now power of News and Sentiment:

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As the cryptocurrency space develops, many opportunities continue to arise. Both Bull and Bear market becomes profitable if you have the correct setup. Volatility and cryptocurrency go hand in hand and it is the economic model that traders love as it provides countless opportunities.

Today I want to zero in on the opportunities that exist but very few people participate because it's just to fast. Let's break it down. Most of you by now are familiar with Bots, but those who aren't, Bot's are basically coded software application that runs automated task on the internet.

Chances are you may have interacted with one Bot or two on a daily basis. Bots have some unique characteristics that make them irresistible for those looking at speed, efficiency, accuracy, and cost effective.

Now that you understand what are Bots, let's talk about Arbitrage. So what is Arbitrage, Arbitrage is basically the simultaneous purchase and sale of an asset or commodity to profit from difference in prices among different market or exchanges. These prices differences exist because of inefficiencies. So let's break this down further, let's say Bitcoin is trading at Bittrex for A trader can buy Bitcoin on Bittrex and then sell it on Poloniex making a cool 50 dollars profit.

Now you may say that's impossible, there would never be enough time or it take so much time to put in a buy or sell order or probably who gonna be watching all these exchanges for these difference. That's where our friendly Bots come in, you see, what takes minutes for us are only fraction of second for them.

Programmers have studied markets and their inefficiencies and has created unique algorithm that make some of these Bots unbeatable. The game has certainly evolved, its more than just recognizing big buy orders or sell orders, and positioning trades accordingly, market inefficiencies can be exploited and become quite profitable.

I have tried simplify the terms and association but I want you to know that there are many layers, and difficulties to it. Now you may ask, are there any examples of these, Yes, yes, yes. Let discuss a few of them.

Let discuss them 1. The Bitcoin dealer provides support for Bitstamp and it support code can be found in Github 4. The Bitcoin arbitrage provides support for Bitstamp, Paymium and Coinbase 5. Blackbird provides support for Bitfinex, OKCoin, Kraken, and Gemini, it is the easiest among the arbitrage bots and once set up properly, you can make thousands in passive income without actually active trading. There are many more to the never ending list of arbitrage bots, some are top secret as these programmers remain anonymous only showing results of their work and receiving thousands of dollars if their bots are successful.

The market has also move on from focusing on Bitcoin and includes the likes of Ethereum, Litecoin among others. I believe these Bots are here to stay as these market inefficiencies would always be present. A Bot does not even have to actively trade to make a profit, as long as market arbitrages exist and the correct setup is executed, Bots would be making money.

Their unique characteristics afford them that opportunity. To give your a perspective of the trading opportunities, here is a snapshot of the some of the major exchanges.

Each of these exchanges, offered over half billion dollars worth of volume each over the last 24hr. There are lots more of these exchanges all providing opportunities for Bots coded to find arbitrage opportunities and we haven't even mention those coded to perform active trades using unique algorithm.

You can also participate in arbitrage although beating Bots are out of the game but you can still win. Poloniex often shows some erroneous high prices depending on the coin compared to other exchanges. You should also take going market rate and avoid asking to high or you may end up stick in a trade for days Once again, this is just an observation, let the Bots do their thing, an rake in that passive income.

Well those that make their codes available on Github certainly worth the try Hi daudmitch Thought you might like my latest post about trading bots https: Alright I upvoted it, interesting, there are so many bots, quite a few are quite profitable but the more successful they are the more expensive it is This one is very inexpensive because it is still in development but it still works.

As I am aware more features are coming out for it and at this price it is your for life unlike some which you have to rent. I wrote an article that explains the math involved in a simple way to arbitrage across cryptocurrency exchanges. Important to know what you are getting into so that you will not be trading at a loss. Let's talk about Bots, Trading Bots and their use case in Arbitrage.

Let's break it down Most of you by now are familiar with Bots, but those who aren't, Bot's are basically coded software application that runs automated task on the internet. To give your a perspective of the trading opportunities, here is a snapshot of the some of the major exchanges Each of these exchanges, offered over half billion dollars worth of volume each over the last 24hr.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Very interesting, are they free to use and do we need to know coding on how to use these bots?