Moving the Bitcoin Core Data Directory

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The data directory is the location where Bitcoin's data files are stored, including the wallet data file. If you have already downloaded the data then you will have to move the data to the new folder. If you want to store them in D: An overview of these is in files. The data here is necessary for validating new incoming blocks and transactions. It can theoretically be rebuilt from the block data see the -reindex command line optionbut this takes a rather long time.

Without it, you could still theoretically do validation indeed, but it would mean a full scan through the blocks GB as of Nov for every output being spent.

You can see blocks as 'patches' to the chain state they consume some unspent outputs, and produce new onesand see the undo data as reverse patches.

They are necessary for rolling back the chainstate, which is necessary in case of reorganizations. This section may be of use to you if you wish to send a friend the blockchain, avoiding them a hefty download. The database files in the "blocks" and "chainstate" directories are cross-platform, and can be copied between different installations.

These files, known collectively as a node's "block database", represent all of the information downloaded by a node during the syncing process. In other words, if you copy installation A's block database into installation B, armory bitcoin home dir B will then have the same syncing percentage as installation A. This is usually far faster than doing the normal initial sync over again. However, when you copy someone's database in this way, you are trusting them absolutely. If an armory bitcoin home dir is able to modify your block database files, then they can do all sorts of evil things which could cause you to lose bitcoins.

Therefore, you should only copy block databases from Bitcoin armory bitcoin home dir under your personal control, and only over a secure connection. Each armory bitcoin home dir has a unique block database, and all of the files are highly connected. So if you copy just a few files from one installation's "blocks" armory bitcoin home dir "chainstate" directories into another installation, this will almost certainly cause the second node to crash or get stuck at some random point in the future.

If you want to copy a block database from one installation to another, you have to delete the old database and armory bitcoin home dir all of the files at once. Both nodes have to be shut down while copying. Only the file with the highest number in the "blocks" directory is ever written to. The earlier files will never change. Retrieved from " https: Technical Bitcoin Core documentation. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Views Read View source View history.

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Bitcoin is a decentralized peer-to-peer digital currency. Using cryptography and peer-to-peer networking, Bitcoin allows people to securely and nearly instantly transfer money to other people at a very low cost. The decentralized consensus mechanism ensures that everyone using Bitcoin follows the same rules. This prevents Bitcoin from being controlled by a central authority and prevents the counterfeiting of money.

Bitcoin is also a trustless system. There is no central authority to trust, in fact, no full node on the network trusts any other full node. Instead each node will verify every single block and transaction to ensure that the data it receives conforms to its own rules, which must be the rules that everyone else follows in order for that node to be a part of the network. For more information, please visit https: Armory is a Bitcoin wallet. It stores and protects the private keys necessary for you to spend Bitcoin.

It keeps track of all of the Bitcoin that you have sent and received and allows you to spend Bitcoin with ease. The cryptographic schemes were chosen for their robustness and resistance to attack. The ability to use airgapped storage and cold storage allow for the best security we could think of, physical separation. Overall, Armory is designed to be the most secure Bitcoin wallet ever. Because Armory is a desktop client, so long as you have a copy of the software and your wallet files, you will be able to spend your Bitcoin.

Armory does not rely on any centralized service in order to spend Bitcoin. It will continue to function as it used to so long as there have not been many major consensus changes. Even if there are Armory may still work as it has no networking components and relies on Bitcoin Core for networking and consensus. You should backup your wallet frequently, but only one backup is truly necessary. This is because Armory uses a deterministic wallet; all of the addresses are derived from a specific root algorithmically.

This algorithm ensures that the same addresses are derived every time for a given root. This means that you only need to have one backup and you will be able to recover all of the addresses that you have every used from that wallet.

If the full node is based on Bitcoin Core, then yes. Otherwise, most likely not. Armory directly reads from the block data files that Bitcoin Core and its forks produces. Frequently Asked Questions What is Bitcoin? What command-line options does Armory have? What if Armory stops being developed? How often should I backup? Will Armory work with full nodes other than Bitcoin Core? The Armory command line arguments are as follows: Use the ISO language code to choose a language.

Options are da, de, en, es, el, fr, he, hr, id, ru, sv.