What is the Web of Trust?

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Duniter uses the crypto-currency concept introduced by Bitcoin, which is to use cryptographic tools such as signatures to create digital currencies.

Duniter fits this definition, but it has bitcoin web of trust different inspirations than Bitcoin -- the Web of Trust and Universal Dividend -- to do better than Bitcoin. Actually, Duniter has a reference to a theory called Relative Money Theory.

This theory demonstrates that a currency which aims to respect each individual's economic liberties MUST implement the Universal Dividend a. Basic Incomewhich is the only way to avoid both spatial and temporal asymmetry toward money issuance.

Space-time asymmetry refers to the relative access of individuals to newly created money. Concretely, all existing currencies c.

Let's bitcoin web of trust Bitcoin as an example to understand why. When new Bitcoins are created, only some Bitcoin users the miners are given new Bitcoins, while everyone else get nothing. We believe this is the first injustice. However, some might say:. New Bitcoins should be distributed to the whole Bitcoin community. Miners bitcoin web of trust be rewared another way, but not by money issuance. Of course, Bitcoin can't create money through Basic Income since Bitcoin users are not strongly identifiedand one might benefit from money creation multiple times if he owned several wallets.

Duniter gets rid of this problem completely by identifying its users and giving the same amount [of Basic Income] to everyone. Bitcoin has an absolute limit of 21 million BTC its unit of currencywhich means ever fewer bitcoins will be created over time until 0 are being generated.

So, once the first adopters have mined every bitcoin, how will bitcoin web of trust joiners get Bitcoins? The answer -- just like Euros or Dollars: We bitcoin web of trust this is the second injustice. Every member of a monetary community should be equal with regard to earning money, and get the same relative amount of money over time, even if he is a late adopter.

Duniter aims to fix this by making the Universal Dividend a. UD grow by the time according to precise rules, thus making members equal toward money issuance on a half-lifespan. Bitcoin has taught us that it is possible to create a currency system allowing one to both create digital money and to exchange it without a central authority. What we need to change is the way money is issued so we finally have a symmetrical system. But Universal Dividend implies that the community consists of only identified people.

This is where the Web of Trust WoT comes bitcoin web of trust place. This concept, introduced by cryptography with the OpenPGP format, allows us to identify people in a decentralized manner. It works as follows: The identity must be confirmed by others members who use their own cryptographic key. It is that simple: Duniter however bitcoin web of trust use OpenPGP for its cryptographic features: Elliptic Curves will be used instead for the conciseness of its generated keys and its pratical advantages.

This requires that we specify our own Web of Trust mechanisms, but we think it is worth the effort. Bitcoin's blockchain mechanism is important for bitcoin web of trust main reasons: Duniter will benefit from these two features. However, Duniter's blockchain is slightly different: It also has a different Proof-of-Work PoW mechanism made possible by the WoT definition, providing a much more energy-efficient way to compute the blockchain. The Web of Trust is to be written in our shared public ledger, the blockchain, in just the same way Bitcoin's transactions are written in Bitcoin's blockchain, but for us it is the identity of people.

Thus, the blockchain constitutes a space-time referentialwhere space is represented by individuals and timeprovided by blockchain units, is the blocks.

What we finally have is wot t: But that's not all: In this area, Duniter looks quite a bit like Bitcoin: A transaction is a flow of money. However, in Duniter inputs may be:. As you can see, no generation transaction where a miner earns Bitcoins for solving a block exists in Duniter.

This kind of transaction is bitcoin web of trust by Universal Dividend input. Outputs, on their hand, are always public keys, and not necessarily WoT members' public keys: This lead us to an important fact: Do note carefully that, even if they may participate, companies won't be bitcoin web of trust to create bitcoin web of trust.

Only individuals will be able to do it. This is a very important point. Like any P2P crypto-currency system, Duniter has a way to synchronize its peers when writing to the ledger the blockchain.

However, Duniter benefits from a different environment than other altcoins: This little difference has a tremendous impact: Concretely, Duniter has a personalized challenge difficulty for each of its members that gets harder for the member who succeeds in writing a block, while bitcoin web of trust gets easier - until a given minimum - for the others.

This mechanism ensures a rotation in the blockchain's writing, while keeping the advantage bitcoin web of trust PoW for synchronizing the peers. It can be noted too that, since a block does not provide extra money creation, members won't be encouraged to compete to write the next block. Duniter's blockchain can be compared to Bitcoin's blockchain: With the blockchain, we have the fundamental referential of the Relative Money Theory members humansand the flow of money through the transactions generated by the currency's users.

The goal of all this is to allow people to participate in a free economy thanks to a free currency. What is a free economy? Relative Money Theory defines it through 4 economic freedoms:. Those 4 economic freedoms should be understood together, not exclusively. Plus, "freedom" has to be understood as " non-nuisance ". So here, freedom does not mean the right to take all of a resource like water source in a desert so no more is available to the others.

Bitcoin web of trust you get it, this is the goal: Theoretical Theoretical A cryptocurrency system Duniter uses the crypto-currency concept introduced by Bitcoin, which is to use cryptographic tools such as signatures to create digital currencies. A space-time asymmetry Space-time asymmetry refers to the relative access of individuals to newly created money.

Spatial-asymmetry When new Bitcoins are created, only some Bitcoin users the miners are given new Bitcoins, while everyone else get nothing.

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