Bitcoin via SMS is here

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We highly recommend verifying your email address. If you didn't receive your notification email, double check that your email address is correct. Change and save the correct version if necessary, then click on Resend Verification Email.

If you decide not to verify your email address, you won't be able to enable email notifications. Your verified email address will not be used for marketing purposes. This is where you can set a language preference for your wallet. This option allows you to select blockchain buy bitcoin sms local currency of choice from a dropdown menu.

Directly below the bitcoin value, you'll see the value of your wallet balance in the local currency of blockchain buy bitcoin sms choosing. By default, it's set to US Dollars. You have the option of: You can choose to receive notifications by email, by SMS, or both. Only labeled addresses and imported addresses are eligible to trigger notifications. Enable this to allow your Blockchain Wallet to handle bitcoin payment links in the web browser.

This makes it easier if you're using your wallet to make online purchases. After a certain period of inactivity, you will automatically be logged out of your wallet.

This is to help ensure your privacy, especially if you're logging in on a shared computer or network. By default, auto logout is set to 10 minutes, but you can adjust it to anywhere between minutes. Choose between three different themes - default, dev theme, and inverted colors - to personalize your wallet interface. Email Address We highly recommend verifying your email address. To remind you of your Wallet Blockchain buy bitcoin sms To notify you when you receive funds If there is unusual or suspicious login activity If you didn't receive your notification email, double check that your email address is correct.

Wallet Language This is where you can set a language preference for your wallet. Local Currency Blockchain buy bitcoin sms option allows you to blockchain buy bitcoin sms a local currency of choice from a dropdown menu. Bitcoin Links Handling Enable this to allow your Blockchain Wallet to handle bitcoin payment links in the web browser. Auto Logout After a certain period of inactivity, you will automatically be logged out of your wallet.

Themes Choose between three different themes - default, dev theme, and inverted colors - to personalize your wallet interface.

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As a follow up to our tutorial, How to send bitcoins using our web wallet , we wanted to also show you that you can send bitcoins with the Blockchain Wallet using email or SMS text messages. To get started, log in to your Blockchain Wallet and then click on Send. You will then see the screen below. A confirmation screen will appear, click Send Payment. After the transaction is confirmed in the block chain, an email is generated to the recipient.

The email should look like the screen below. It will tell the recipient who sent the bitcoins, pulling in your email address to display to the recipient, and display the transaction details including the amount of bitcoins sent. The recipient must claim the payment for the transaction to go through. The payment can be reversed by the sender until it is claimed. Once the recipient claims the Bitcoin payment, it cannot be reversed. The recipient is presented with a few options.

They can create a new Blockchain Wallet to send the funds to, or existing users can just log in to their current Blockchain Wallet and have the funds transferred there. The great thing about Blockchain is we never lock you in. We have provided users with another option, which is Forward To Desktop Client. This means, recipients have the choice to send the funds to another Bitcoin address managed by them in another wallet. Sending bitcoins with text messages is very powerful.

Log in to your Blockchain Wallet and then click on Send. As soon as you click Send Payment , a text message will be generated and sent to the recipient.

The text message should look like the screen below. It will display the transaction amount including the amount of bitcoins sent, with a link to press to claim the bitcoins. Once the recipient presses the link to claim the bitcoins, they will see the screen below. With this method, the recipient is once again presented with the same options. They can create a new Blockchain Wallet to transfer the funds to, or existing users can just log in to their current Blockchain Wallet and have the funds transferred to an address within that wallet.

As mentioned above, the Forward To Desktop Client option allows recipients to send the funds to another Bitcoin address managed in another wallet. It is as secure as your email or phone. If your email account were to be hacked or your phone compromised, the attacker would be able to redeem any unclaimed payments. Make sure for your email and phone, you always have two-factor authentication turned on.

The private key the funds were sent to is saved in the senders archived addresses. Log in to your My Wallet account, click Receive and then Archived. If the address has a positive balance then the amount has not been claimed, sweep the address to reclaim the coins and retry the transaction. Home About Blockchain Support Wallet. Once the recipient claims the payment, they will see the screen below. What happens if the transaction is not claimed?

The recipient did not receive the confirmation message? How to understand the Blockchain. Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter.