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Gw mo ngebuat ni thread kaya di kaskus. Ada yg ngebantuin masalah BOT btw, gw ga tau neh thread dibolehin pa kagak: Mmm, bagi yg mau bantuin. Tolong sebelum share config di cek dolo bot auto like status sendiri maus dan passnya, karena ada kejadian saat share config, username dan pass belum dihapus. Buat ke lutie, di npcs. Koordinat yg udah tercantum di npcs. Maksudnya koordinatnya salah itu koordinat npc santa nya.
Coba lo bandingin koordinat yang udah tercantum sama yang sebenernya. D deynes ya resiko deh. Klo bisa, jangan set tele. Gw set setiap x digebuk damage 1 lsg tele. Tapi pass tele bot auto like status sendiri maus ga kena damage abis telenya.
Klo pake trik ini, ga usah pake acara switch clip ke vitata lg. Stealth Kill Mode ON! Asal jangan sampe setting memberatkan server nya, ketawan bisa di ban kek temen gw dolo. Setting abis DC diatur login 0 detik, pass maintenance di tangkek gara2 ga matiin bot dan terus2an connect. Asal lo jangan pake trik dr gw buat wizard. Hmm gw hanya mau ngasih tau nih klo kalian ada masalah dgn bot bot auto like status sendiri maus bisa membuka web www.
Wild Rose element angin, pake tanah Sandman tanah, pake api Raydric. Klo pake trik gw bisa deh ga bocor: Bagi yg mo belajar Openkore, source yg paling lengkap adalah www.
Tapi barang, z semua ilang bersihhh. Ini dah kejadian soalnya. Gw bkn jelek2in website laen. Tapi itu menurut gw website yg gw percaya sampe skrg buat bantuin temen2 gw buat set bot. Gw cm maw orang2 disini aman. Ga kejadian kek temen gw. Soalnya klo dah kena hack pasti larinya ke forum curhat: KS - Kill Steal. D Ok Gw tunggu Config dari Lo yaaah. D paling lambat awal bulan ok D See the documentation for what these variables do.
New variables have comments above them. Login options and server-specific options master Indonesia - idRO: So if you want to configure two attack skills, just duplicate the attackSkillSlot block.
Isa bikinin config buat swrdman ama knight ga? Di jadiin post aja!:: Skalian, tempat yg cucok dmana ya? Kl mo bikin config2 gitu mending bikin sendiri Bro, kl butuh panduan bisa ke http: D sapa tau tar lo hobi otak atik terus bisa bikin Plugin sendiri Tp tetep aja ga ngerti: Tp waktu aku mulai start malah keluar tulisan Error: Padahal configNya sederhana amet buat swrdmn waktu itu.
POSTin config buat neh char. See the documentation for what these variables do. D usul w sih bikin bot auto like status sendiri maus aja vit jgn gede2 ntar pas lknya: D belajar aja dari web saya banyak belajar dari www. Kita kan manusia, hidup bersosialisasi: Kalo dah make Route Teleport Random Walk jgn dinyalain tar malah jadi stuck.
Selama berjalan ke tujuannya, Kore akan menyerang monster, jika attackAuto diset dengan benar. Set ke 0 untuk disable. Kamu mungkin harus membiarkan option ini pada nilai defaultnya Kore akan berusaha untuk teleport paling banyak sejumlah percobaan untuk setiap map.
Jika gagal untuk mendekati portal pada semua percobaan teleport tersebut, maka Kore akan berjalan saja ke portal. Dah lama ga buka thread ini, pdhal gw yg buka: D Klo buat stalker, asinan X, bot auto like status sendiri maus ama sniper isa post ke aku aja kk kk skalian, tp ini model lama Minta Program Bot Dunk D tinggal tulis di macro.
Kalo cara supaya tuh bot bisa masukin barang ke kafra storage gimana. Kasih liat caranya donk. Kasih liat caranya donk Cek pada file config Txt km cari yg seperti di bawah ini: T Somebody Help Me please!!!!
Trims banget nih ma E-mail: Cek pada file config Txt km cari yg seperti di bawah ini: Giliran Gw yg nanya dah Kalo mo bot di dg greenwood gmn carana? That makes it easier to reuse configurations. You can use a path that is relative to config. Only users who are authorized are allowed to control Kore. This option controls the authorization password. If this option is left blank, then Kore will automatically generate a random password, for security reasons.
This is useful on pRO where GMs warp you to secret rooms. Value Description 0 Respawn. Do not automatically attack anything. These monsters have high priority. This option only has effect if lockMap is set. Value Description 0 Do nothing. These these party members have high priority. Value 2 is useful if you're tanking a bot mage. If the mage casts on the monster before the monster has attacked the tanker, the monster might switch target.
Kore will then attempt to attack through attackable walls, instead of walking around them. This feature isn't perfect yet! It will frequently be unable to find a solution. This slot is tipically used to create a "skill loop" where a skill is executed right after another.
It is most commonly used for monk's combo but it could be used for other skills as well. This configuration block also supports shared conditions, skill conditions and target conditions.
Only put the maximum distance here! Setting it to 0 which is the default value will cause kore to use the bot auto like status sendiri maus on the attack target.
You must set this bot auto like status sendiri maus to the correct value. For example, if you're trying to use Combo Finish, but you set this flag to 0, then Combo Finish will fail because it cannot be used on a monster. This attribute only bot auto like status sendiri maus successful usage. If a skill fails, Kore will continue to use the skill until bot auto like status sendiri maus finally succeeds even if this is set to 1.
Set to 0 to disable. If number is not set, Kore will treat it as 4. Useful if your attackSkillSlot is e. Kore will use full skill name to attack monsters if the specified conditions are correct. If the conditions don't match for all specified skill slots, then Kore will use its weapon to attack. You can have as many skill slots as you want. Just put them all in the order you wish for them to be checked.
Use this to limit usage of skills that could fail e.