coal to liquid equipment used in chemical, glass, food, textile industry.
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Entire site Policy and governance. This guidance, which is based on the HSE leaflet entitled "Buying New Machinery", explains the main requirements of health and safety laws governing buying new and second-hand machinery.
A machine is normally regarded as being a piece of equipment which has moving parts and, usually, some kind of drive unit. You may already know that most new machinery should have CE marking when you buy it. However, CE marking is only a claim by the manufacturer that the machinery is safe and that they have met relevant supply law. You, the user, also have to check that it is, in fact, safe.
To understand what this means when you are buying new machinery, it helps if you understand what the manufacturer or supplier has to do. The manufacturer is claiming that the machinery complies with the law. You still need to check the machine is safe before it is used. This can help you to decide which machine may be suitable, particularly if you are buying a standard machine 'off the shelf'.
If you are buying a more complex or custom-built machine you should discuss your requirements with potential suppliers. They can often advise you on the options available. For a custom-built machine, you can use the opportunity to work with the supplier to design out the causes of injury and ill-health.
Some buying coaltoliquid machine the items. Time spent now on agreeing the necessary safeguards, to control health and safety risks, buying coaltoliquid machine save you time and money later.
Sometimes machinery is supplied via another organisation, e. What you have bought it, look for CE marking, check that you have a buying coaltoliquid machine of the Declaration of Conformity and a set of instructions in English on how the machine should be used and, most important of buying coaltoliquid machine, check to see if you think that it is safe. First make sure that the supplier or installer has given you information on how the machine works and its safety features.
With smaller off-the-shelf machinery, this should be included with the machine. With complex or custom- built machines this may be demonstrated buying coaltoliquid machine the supplier. Then have a close look at it. Many things that affect safety are obvious; others can be detected using common sense and taking time to have a good look at your new machine. You can always buying coaltoliquid machine it with buying coaltoliquid machine existing similar machines you have, to see if it is at least as good, or hopefully better.
Tell the supplier where the machine will be used, what you want to use it for and who will be buying coaltoliquid machine it, particularly if it is a complex or custom-built machine. In addition, it is good practice for the supplier or manufacturer to have a service back-up or help-line, so that you can get further information as you buying coaltoliquid machine it. You could check what is in place before buying. In this case the machine should not have CE buying coaltoliquid machine.
All suppliers have to make sure the buying coaltoliquid machine they supply in the European Economic Area EEA is safe no matter where it is made. However when a machine has been made to the specification in a harmonised European Standard identified by an EN before the number, e. The use of these standards is voluntary. Some European Standards for particular types of machinery are already available, others are being written.
Manufacturers can design and manufacture their machinery to other product standards, e. British or American standards, as long as they are certain the machine will comply with the relevant EHSRs and be safe. However, the use of such standards, during manufacture, does not give a presumption of conformity with the relevant EHSRs.
In some circumstances, machinery for example, some woodworking machinery and power-presses must be type-examined by an independent third party if buying coaltoliquid machine are not made in accordance with a harmonised standard. Details will be given on the Declaration of Conformity.
It has to be safe for use. In most cases it will not have CE marking, but it is still the duty of the supplier to make sure that it is safe and has instructions for safe use. There is also the duty on you the buying coaltoliquid machine to make sure that second-hand machinery is:. If a second-hand machine has been totally refurbished for example, adding CNC control to a machine, together with other work it may buying coaltoliquid machine CE marking.
This is because the way it operates is different after the refurbishment and as a result it has been treated as if it was a new machine. Return to Codes and Guidance - Index.
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