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Roger Ver is passionate about bitcoin. You can see this passion in the closing arguments he makes in the following YouTube video: And lately you have to have at least some pity for a guy that runs a site roger ver bitcoin jesus christ "Bitcoin.

Oh, incidentally, Ver himself never claimed to be Jesus. As roger ver bitcoin jesus christ Christian, and as a holder of cryptocurrency, I get two things about money--two truths which are burned into my psyche, and are unalterable.

The first is that you can't take it with you. Money is meant to be earned, spent, invested into future generations--and a portion, if you are observant, is given to charity. And roger ver bitcoin jesus christ you die. The second thing is that the love of money is roger ver bitcoin jesus christ source of much evil, and that that particular evil can be seen very strongly in the people that used to be called "money changers" These are the people that roger ver bitcoin jesus christ rich off exchanging peoples' money, especially in the context of poor people seeking to make their daily transactions, or to do "Tzdaka" an observant form of charity.

We in the "crypto-sphere" know the evils going on in our roger ver bitcoin jesus christ American Federal Reserve, and in other central banks. We know that the "Deep State" globalist politicians with the help of the traditional media are supporting this corrupt system.

The Mega-corporations, through their lobbyists, are also in on it, getting favors, creating "curstomers" not cures, selling substandard food, controlling public opinion through media, and selling us a comfortable form of slavery called "for the good of the public"meaning they care so much about our safety that they are demanding our FREEDOM in exchange for it. It used to be a common phrase in Christian circles: What would Jesus do? One of the many problems with that phrase of course is that a lot of people read into Christ's actions what they wanted to see.

But there is that one and only time we see in scripture where Jesus was so passionate about something that he resorted to violence. It was that episode with the money changers in the temple. The transactions these people were doing weren't ordinary transactions. They were exchanging Caesars' fiat coin for money which was "Kosher" to be used in the temple--and frankly these people, most of whom were very poor, were being ripped off! Inan anonymous roger ver bitcoin jesus christ calling himself Satoshi Nakamoto fashioned, for whosoever will, a whip with which to beat back the money changers.

That whip we now call "Bitcoin". Bitcoin is roger ver bitcoin jesus christ work of mathematical and programming art. Volumes could be written, and maybe someday will be written about it, but for now, for the sake of the argument, let's just take it for granted. We have this whip, and have had it for several years, and it has worked! People in roger ver bitcoin jesus christ of financial distress have been able to use it to feed their families and make small business transactions with Bitcoin.

People mining it have made money, and if they run their equipment "full node" they are providing a useful service as well. They are the "money changers" of crypto-currency. But it would seem, like the money changers of old, they too have succumbed to the corrupting forces that money, in all it's forms, has on people--greed.

There are such of these "money changer" miners who actually believe it's good to have high fees and slow transactions! Good for them--in the short term and the mindset of greed is often short-sighted. You see, the debate is not really how to solve the problems. SegWit is an roger ver bitcoin jesus christ grabber. It makes them look like they are solving the problem. What it is actually doing is delaying a permanent solution.

The solution is a larger block size. SegWit can perhaps be useful in the future. But it really boils down to block size, because a larger block size will make Bitcoin more of what it was supposed to be: The whip that beats the fiat! A sufficient block size makes fees lower, transactions faster, and overall makes spending bitcoin something anyone on earth can do, even the very poor.

Bitcoin is many things to many people. To the miner, it may be his key to easy riches. There is nothing wrong with mining. I've bought some hash power, why not?

To some Bitcoin is "digital gold", a store of value that allows for shelter from the falling value roger ver bitcoin jesus christ fiat globally. Bitcoin does function in these capacities well, and there's nothing wrong with using it to do those things. But we mustn't do these things at the expense of the real purpose of Bitcoin! What, you may ask, is that real purpose, that nobler goal? I, in the context of Jesus' actions get it. The nobler goal here is setting the poorest of the poor free from the money changers, from the central bank bullies, and the dictators who will start wars that benefit only the elites.

Jesus chased out the money changers out of sheer zeal for His Father's Holy House. I see a similar kind of zeal in Roger, and I find no fault in it. It is a good zeal, and a large block size makes the "whip" we call Bitcoin effective once again against the roger ver bitcoin jesus christ. I totally agree with this Why Roger Ver is right on the block size debate steem Created with Sketch.

Making a whip, and driving the money changers from the temple: Seeing the bigger picture, the nobler goal: If you like this post or not, please speak your mind in the comments, and if you value it's message, please resteem! Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

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In this episode shakers in Crypto, you ll discover some of what we are bringing back for you, including a series of interviews with some of the biggest movers.

Io and is incredibly passionate about harnessing it s. OntmoetBitcoin Jesus, de bitcoin miljonair die vreest voor zijn leven. Ver details the problems with Bitcoin Core and predicts that a year from. Roger Ver Bitcoin Cash.

Roger Ver is one of the most known Bitcoin angel investors and evangelists. I m currently involved in numerous Bitcoin related projects. Bitcoin JesusRoger Ver concerns about Bitcoin s future. Bittrex s move towards institutional money and how decentralized exchanges may impact the future.

The man known asBitcoin Jesus' feels like a winner even though he wasn t able to collectUS7 million 9. I like Roger Ver. Bitcoins may soon become a national currency, replacing others. Com Roger Ver akaBitcoin Jesus joins the show to discuss the explosion of bitcoin the split in the bitcoin community between Bitcoin Core Bitcoin Cash.

I am here with a lot of amazing speakers who have many incredible ideas one of those with great ideas is the one only Roger Ver. Bitcoin investor Roger Ver had a hell of a few days. He is well known in the Bitcoin community and has helped many Bitcoin ventures. Com some time ago is now using it as a political tool for his agenda. Speaking to Coindesk he.

Roger is transitioning from being Bitcoin Jesus to the creator of a new country that isnot a country. Vercoin Decred and Litecoin Atomic. Roger Ver had what he called a 10 point emergency last night. Ver sent out a series of Tweets , who lives in Singapore Facebook messages around 3 30am PT last night alerting his network that he was.

Roger ver bitcoin jesus. Crunchbase I m currently involved in numerous Bitcoin related projects. Roger Ver an early stage Bitcoin investor head of bitcoin. Roger Ver es un emprendedor, inversor y pionero del mundo Bitcoin.

We re back from Nexus Earth in Aspen Colorado we are infused with blockchain superpowers. From his investements in Ripple, Blo. Bitcoin Jesus I m not fine. Combitcoin jesus says investors should be ready in case bitcoin falls out of favor. Last year, the libertarian anarchist became a citizen. Known as the Bitcoin Jesus now the Bitcoin Satan for some. Maak kennis met Roger Ver ofBitcoin Jesus. Roger Ver on Ross Ulbricht. He started investing in. Support the show, consider donating: Ha invertido gran cantidad de capital.

Most of my dear readers have probably heard about Roger Ver otherwise you wouldn t read this article but maybe not everyone knows the full story. Two influential leaders in the bitcoin economy draw comparisons to discrepancies between Charlie Shrem s sentence , Roger Ver , Erik Voorhees, one of the most influential , Bitcoin Jesus " aka Roger Ver, respected venture capitalists investing in bitcoin companies took to Twitter to voice his.

Bitcoin Jesus' isreally, really concerned' about the future of the digital. Com, one of the first businesses in the world to. Bitcoin will probably see another splintering off in November as miners developers debate how best to scale the cryptocurrency s rapidly growing marketplace, says investor Roger Ver chief executive officer of Bitcoin. Com here on the show as the debate regarding Bitcoin s scaling solution rages on between Core Unlimited Roger is here to tell us why Unlimited s vision for Bitcoin is the more ideal choice.

Ver made his fortune by buying Bitcoin in at a price of around1, but renounced his US citizenship last year. Roger Ver, the Bitcoin Jesus. V 4 bQNg1k8rM feature youtu. For Roger Ver s investment at Coinapult. Learning about Bitcoin in, he started investing in it at a price of about 11 Cripple Coin: Com an investor in many of the world s largest Bitcoin companies.

Must see TV Bitcoin Cash is here. Info MyWallet as well. Bitcoin is the most important invention in the history of the world since the internet. Roger Ver aka Bitcoin Jesus joins us tomorrow to discuss the biggest change to the crypto world since time was invented. Useful Bitcoin related links: Roger is a passionate forward thinking bitcoin investor , smart advocate.

He started investing in bitcoins in early and bought his first bitcoins at around1. In this episode including a series of interviews with some of the biggest movers , you ll discover some of what we are bringing back for you shakers in Crypto. That s because the version of bitcoin that Roger Ver s promoting with as much. Com discusses the powerful innovation of cryptocurrencies.

Early Bitcoin adopter libertarian , millionaire investor Roger Ver has been denied a US visa to to attend a conference despite having been born in the country. Com, discusses the state of Bitcoin in early. Com owned by Roger Ver controversialpublic announcement. Ver has incurred the ire of much of the bitcoin community over the past several years, an early bitcoin investor once nicknamedBitcoin Jesus. It is said that he was worthyBTC back in. Bitcoin oracle millionaire investor Roger Ver talks all things bitcoin.

Considered one of the movers of the bitcoin community knowledge lights the curiosity , his insights interest of many. But they gave their opinion on the initiative of Coinidol. He is one of BitPay s investors was involved invested with BlockChain. He has invested in every successful bitcoin company to date participated more actively in more than a few.

Not a re assuring message for new users trying to get information on bitcoin. The problem with this offer is that it doesn t actually offer all that much, this deal. Escucha y descarga los episodios de Bitcoin. In this week s episode we talk to Roger about just how far BTC has come how you can actually use it today.

Com owned by Roger Ver also known asBitcoin jesus. We also get Roger s take on the latest Bitcoin drama over forking to increase the block size where he sees the currency going in the future If you thought ICO announcements were big news Roger Ver, just consider what was announced by Olivier Janssens, founder of Freedom Investments of Bitcoin Foundation fame.

Com Roger Ver, Bitcoin. The much publicized conflict between Roger Ver an American born entrepreneur who was among the earliest , most vocal proponents of Bitcoin, an affiliate of NTL Trust through his marketing of the Levera development in Grenada, Robert Martin Oveson has beensettled to everyone s. Combitcoin jesus is really really concerned about the future of the digital currency.

Litecoin mining cpu ubuntu. Roger Ver aka Bitcoin Jesus contacted by a hacker who had taken control of his Hotmail account and Social Security demanded 37 bitcoins worth0. Who is Bitcoin Jesus. Roger Ver is a polarizing figure in the cryptocurrency world.

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