Economics of bitcoin

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First of all, I would like to say that I think the world is chaotic and messy enough, making it rather impossible to fall under anyone's control, especially 30 years in the making. The doomporn and globalist conspiracy narrative is fun and all, but I really think it should just fall under the tag "entertainment" to economist magazine bitcoin honest. Nothing against good entertainers, but I just have a beef when it economist magazine bitcoin to weak journalism that takes advantage of people's fears and insecurities.

And I keep gravitating back to this Rothschild owned Economist magazine front cover from " before dropping the image above. I thought having the text on the phoenix's emblem was a little too coincidental. Anyone that can plan 30 years ahead and execute their globalist plans to the dot must be gods! So I did some magic internet research. No substantial source at all even with economist magazine bitcoin many Youtubers and doom preppers eating up that image and fitting it into their neat conspiracy theories.

Even what seems to be the original source of reporting is sketchy as well. There's nothing to be found! Except this one, but I'm not even sure if it's the real thing since it's on a blog called "The Endtime Observer". I'll take it though since it's the only lead that looks different from the rest. There economist magazine bitcoin also no such covers for The Economist magazines ranging from year - on eBay.

So the question begs, why would anyone do this? Easy, although I'm saying this without much research at all. It's likely to economist magazine bitcoin the work of 4chan trolls and Bitcoiners. It's a fact that 4chan trolls have been economist magazine bitcoin at work poisoning the well, feeding the minds of gullible information consumers on the Internet ever since it became a thing. The emotionally-sensitive are just too primed to fall for neatly-packaged stories that economist magazine bitcoin their own biased narratives all too often.

So dollarvigilanteplease use the "entertainment" tag more liberally. I really enjoy that aspect of your shows, but I've never seen that tag used before.

Pretty sure some do great work in exposing the injustices that might be going on, but seriously there's no greater appeal to authority than attempting to strengthen one's economist magazine bitcoin by pointing at anything remotely close to confirming one's beliefs.

Appeal to numerology and imagery comes to mind. I wonder why the conspiracy-community is so obsessed with these people in places of power that they keep on talking about them, as if to give these people in places of power, more power?

Something to sell I guess. But here's a better form of power for the people: Rumour and gossip mongering is a huge waste of time. So is the economist magazine bitcoin cover the real deal? The world is too messy for any pre-planned collapse of the economy and it's impossible to predict what's going to happen in the future.

So why am I ranting about this? I guess I just have a economist magazine bitcoin with all sorts of propaganda. If you're up for something that's better without all the boo-boo, but have guessed the emergence of Bitcoin since through analysis of technological progress and megapolitical shifts, check this book out - The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age. It's way more realistic and critical, in my opinion. I am well aware of how fucked up the world is but economist magazine bitcoin just as aware of how fucked up most of the "truthers" are as well.

It so obvious how economist magazine bitcoin gloom economist magazine bitcoin doom scenario is used to make money and its so easy to just blame the corps or governments. The MAIN point here is the if we don't like something than its up to us to create something better.

Even if thats just for our own life and not for the entire world. Complaining and blaming is the REAL problem. That is why I dedicated my life 15 years ago to creating a life that I actually wanted to live to save my self from the pain, suffering and deep depression of living in a world I hated. Now i have an amazing life that I love and have helped thousands of people improve their life while also saving the environment as a whole.

Thanks for the kind words quinneaker you've definitely got your part straightened out. It's going to be a slow economist magazine bitcoin but people will change as more show examples and options of how life can be like. For one I like urban areas, so sustainable urban living is something I'm always looking into. Yes I have found and proven that sustainable living is not only doable in urban environments but in many ways much better. I highly recommend it though choosing the "right urban environment" is key.

Just keep your thoughts and actions full steem ahead on the ideals you wish to live economist magazine bitcoin so it shall be. People love a good scare story. And many profit off of these scare stories. Many perma bears speak of the market collapse over and over again. Eventually there is a correction and they are like I told so. I guess even a broken clock is right two times a day.

Into that dimension of anxiety created by this inability to parse reality rushes a bewildering variety of squirrelly notions, epistemological cartoons if you will. Conspiracy theory, in my humble opinion, is a kind of epistemological cartoon about reality. Well, these are epistemological cartoons, it is kindergarten in the art of amateur historiography.

I believe that the truth of the matter is far more terrifying, that the real truth that dare not speak itself is that economist magazine bitcoin one is in control, absolutely no one. This stuff is ruled by the equations of dynamics and chaos. There may be entities seeking control, but to seek control is to take enormous aggravation upon yourself.

Cryptocurrencies are part of the beast system - The End of Freedom. What do you think economist magazine bitcoin the following one? Do you think it's possible Terence McKenna may have been recruited by the authorities in exchange for them turning a blind eye regarding his hash smuggling economist magazine bitcoin You mean am I the alien ambassador whether I like it or not?

Well, often when asked this question, I've said it beats honest work. I mean, my brother is a PhD in three subjects and works in hard science and yet I don't think it's brought him immense happiness. Not that he's despondent. But I was always kind of a slider. And then they recruited economist magazine bitcoin and said, "you know, with a mouth like yours there's a place for you in our organization".

And I've worked in deep background positions about which the less said the better. And then about 15 years ago economist magazine bitcoin shifted me into public relations and I've been there to the present.

I think ideas get me high. And I economist magazine bitcoin the feeling of understanding and I love diversity to the point of He's talking about they as in the "aliens". He always joked about this. Economist magazine bitcoin said that in the '70 was broke and running from the police and then he discovered magic economist magazine bitcoin and it gave him purpose and meaning. Think about this for a moment. Let's say Terence was recruted by whatevet agency.

What was the point? To popularize the use of psychedelics to the general public? Because that's what he did. To promote illegal activities? To speak against war mongering assholes and control freak politicians and authorities?

Terence had a very anarchic message. Also, the economist magazine bitcoin that tried psychedelics know how the pyschedelic economist magazine bitcoin is freeing the mind from all the bullshit that these agencies and authorities fill us with. Conspiracy minded people are so economist magazine bitcoin when it comes to certain topics. They fail to understand the use of methaphors and humour in this case. And sometimes they're just dumb. The CIA and the army studied how they can use psychedelics for their own purposes but they stopped when economist magazine bitcoin saw the results varied wildly from economist magazine bitcoin to person.

They couldn't control the outcome. Control freaks don't care about things they can't control the outcome of. People who keep talking about MK-ULTRA and mind control through the use of psychedelics either they're bullshiting or they haven't tried psychedelics. It's impossible to control the psychedelic experience. Or so I've heard. You know, misinformation like for example, conspiracy theories. Yes, that's about the argument of Jan Irvin. That the counterculture was encouraged and propagated to a certain point by such an entity as the CIA for the purpose of debasing economist magazine bitcoin values of society.

He would call ideas such as the one being put forth in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross by John Allegro as weaponized anthropology. It's well known that the CIA has been involved in drug smuggling, economist magazine bitcoin mind control experiments, and in the entertainment industry.

Both make sense to me. A predictable hyper-suggestibility outcome out of the use of a particular psychotomimetic substance supposedly does exist with the consumption of scopolamine:. The effects of scopolamine were studied for use as a truth serum in interrogations in the early 20th century, but because of the side effects, investigations were dropped.

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How ironic is it that? It promises to solve many of the damning challenges of fiat currency and the public enslavement that comes from the way our money currently works. Currency has always been, not just in my opinion but based on what we see in society, a means to control the human race. Will a new form of currency truly begin to solve those issues? This could be the stepping stone in eventually living in a world without currency at all. But Bitcoin represents something different it seems.

Technology Behind Crypto Blockchain technology is the genius behind Bitcoin, and its very design is what excites many people. With this technology, all records and transactions are stored publicly so there is a public and transparent ledger for every coin and transaction. There are also blockchains that focus more on privacy as well, for those concerned with that. Ultimately, the potential for cryptocurrency to disrupt modern day banking is huge.

Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, has cautioned that cryptocurrencies can displace central banks, and conventional banking in the long term. While this sounds like an issue, its not. This would be the best thing for our economy and humanity as it will stop a private company, central banks, from controlling the entire money supply. There has also been no shortage of responses from multiple countries and heads of financial institutions like JP Morgan about cryptocurrencies.

The debates are endless, with, for the most part, the mainstream encouraging the public to stay away from Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. They are made up, backed by nothing and are controlled by private companies who control it.

Any currency has to have the support of the people for them to work. If people do not put power into them, they have no value. So whether you look at cryptocurrencies or any other, it comes down to faith from mass adoption. As the founder of Ethereum, the second most popular cryptocurrency, was quick to remind people not long ago:.

Cryptocurrencies also have huge political implications. For example, Russia recently announced its intentions to create a cryptocurrency so they can avoid Western sanctions and economic influence.

Putin has long been outspoken about the global financial elite and their ability to force others into their own will, politically and economically. They chose the road of globalisation and security for their own beloved selves, for the select few, and not for all. Is This A Solution? Is A Currency Even Needed? One where we transcend the limits of the human ego, separation, suffering and a ruling elite -this would include the need for currency. We created supply, demand, scarcity and currency, and thus we can uncreate it at any time.

Sure it will require a shift in consciousness, but it is possible. The idea that one has to spend most of their lives, working for the entire day, 5 days a week, to simply put food on the table and provide a roof over ones head is not necessary. How does it feel for you to live in a world like that? Regardless of what you feel is possible, is this what you want for the world?

I believe this is where humanity is heading. Going into the details is a topic for another article, but the point is, humanity is full of infinite potential, we already have the means and the technology to completely liberate the human experience and change it for the better.

It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian Darwinian theory he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors.

The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living.

Today, everything seems to be about the money, and making money. That appears to be the primary goal of major corporations and the majority of individuals. That being said, it is something we are forced into, and currently, money is a tool for exchange. Imagine a moneyless society, one that was free from the constraints of having to earn paper and metal to live.

Imagine if we were free from our current constraints? What would we do? I believe it would provide humanity with the opportunity to grow, discover, and learn.

This is the reality that more and more people on the planet are realizing and as a result, on a collective level we are manifesting change, in several different ways. Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology may be a start, from a financial perspective, but ultimately, I see humanity moving passed the need for any type of currency at all.

Perhaps a governments or leadership who actually cares about, and has the best interests of the people as priority number 1. Poverty, war, greed, economic slavery, and corruption are not uncontrollable challenges. It many cases, they are challenges which are created and perpetuated for reasons of greed, power and human ego.

As the founder of Ethereum, the second most popular cryptocurrency, was quick to remind people not long ago: Buckminster Fuller Today, everything seems to be about the money, and making money. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

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